From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Perhaps one of the biggest online sites in direct support of all things Windows, and a long-time champion of Windows Longhorn (now Vista), Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows has come out with a scathing article on the inadequacies of Windows Vista as it currently stands in beta.  While Paul picks apart others who have complained about the beta thus far, mostly for being less than intelligent in his eyes, he does agree with their end-assessment, if not with the reasoning they used to reach it.

Many of the points he complains about are how Windows has regressed in terms of application compatibility, from Adobe issues to ActiveX controls on web pages.  Probably the best though are the cut and paste COM errors he gets with the Office 2007 beta (since the two are supposedly "Better Together" according to Microsoft).  Then there's any number of usability complaints over how it seems to defy common logic, or previous versions of Windows.

In short, not only is his answer to "Is Vista ready?" a solid "No", it's a resounding "No.  God, no"

Be sure to check out the rant, in all of it's glory, in the link below.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 03, 2006
Vista looks ok,but i`ll wait.Like i`m waiting for Duke Nukem Forever. Bring back the Amiga
on Aug 03, 2006
It's really a perpetual statement like, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Yes Object Desktop is for Windows. But it would be for OS/2 if OS/2 was where Windows is right now. But it's not. So Stardock made Object Desktop for Windows. But what if Windows bit the dust that OS/2 is lying in? But it didn't. But... So it really doesn't matter WHO is up at the top, as long as they're doing it right.
on Aug 03, 2006
as long as they're doing it right.

Yea no doubt, but everyone seems to be saying that MS is dropping the ball with vista…..and at the same time saying that they are developing new software to run on vista.  
on Aug 03, 2006

but everyone seems to be saying that MS is dropping the ball with vista

Maybe not 'dropping'....

....more like 'dribbling'...

on Aug 03, 2006

on Aug 03, 2006
Maybe MS is just toying with us all……Rich Corporations like to do that kind of stuff you know.  
on Aug 03, 2006
I have no problems with waiting for Vista. After all its Microsoft not Apple...otherwise we would be shelling out $200 every 1-2 years for the update. After all I still remember the days Apple ruled the OS market than lost it to Microsoft. (Rhetorical Question) I wonder why? (/Rhetorical Question)

In the end, Microsoft should control their release dates, listen to criticism, release a product that will do more good than harm and not give into the small pressure by Apple's release schedule or annoying commercials.

OS/2 was good but that is the past now, we must move on, after all it was IBM who stopped the development.

Who really knows though, the next big OS may come from neither Apple, Microsoft, Sun or Linux. Something to go with that lovely multitouch screen that was in the other news article.
on Aug 04, 2006
I liked the Vista beta I had on this computer for a few days when they first made it available to the public but there were compatibility issues with some of my hardware which caused me to remove it. If that were fixed, I'd re-install today, but I'm the kind of person who knows my way around computers and isn't afraid to mess with something until it works. That is not what MS has in mind when they produce an OS. They believe -- and rightly so -- that it needs to work properly right out of the box and be simple enough for everybody's granny to be able to use without too much sweat. Vista is nowhere near that point yet, I'm sad to say. But as I've said before, what I saw impressed me very much and whenever they decide to release it, I'll be first in line to buy my copy. Until then, I've got a nicely tweaked XP that is reliable and does what I need it to do. I had Windows ME -- I know what happens when an OS is rushed to market and so does MS. It's a mistake they will not make again.
on Aug 04, 2006
Black Cat 77, I hope your right. I agree with you it would be a CATASTROPHE if they released Vista right now...I know I'm dreaming, but from what I've seen & heard I wish they'd just bite the bullet & wait till late fall next year to deliver it.
on Aug 04, 2006
I'll be sure to be running XP in dualboot with Vista when it comes out until Vista has been patched to fix those issues that are doomed to come up first after it's been released and third-party support it better.
on Aug 04, 2006
Microsoft has NEVER met an initial publicized deadline and has NEVER released a bug-free Operating System.

As opposed to all those other operating systems that were released without bugs.
on Aug 04, 2006
Have always said that regardless of what new operating system being released.
never ever buy it at release day.

For instance i didnt upgrade to xp untill it was one year old.
used windows 2000 between win98 and xp.
on Aug 06, 2006
I think I said Vista Beta 2 sucked, but if I didn't I will now. They may have changed the "under the hood" technology.....However it is still nothing more than a "Glorified XP!!!!" and it has way too many problems!!!!! Microsoft doesn't really care if it works completely or not....They will release it and it will sell like crazy!!! If they did really care about the products (And whether they are perfect or not) they release they wouldn't have to make a service pack 2, with at least 60 updates. (With 12 more new ones on the way!!!) I must GIVE Microsoft the credit they deserve though.....They are trying to make this "Titanic" unsinkable at it's launch!!!

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