From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
... I'm so going to regret this.
Published on October 31, 2006 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News
oooOoOoOooooOOOOooo.... *waves hands in the air in a ghost-y fashion*

Happy Halloween everyone.  Around the office here at Stardock today we've got some great costumes on display.  There's Napoleon Dynamite, a Bearded Biker Faery Chick, a Town[e] Marshall, a Vampire Priest, an Elf, a Witch, some Elizabethan dude that's armed with a sword (we're not messing with Paul today) and not everyone's into the office yet, so we'll probably have some more great costumes by the time we get around to lunch and the costume contest 

To get everyone more into the spirit of the spooky holiday, it might be fun if people around the community would post their halloween costume photos in the comments section on this article.

Just a few rules:

  • Must be "clean" and non-provacative.  So this means that RomanDA can't post the picture with the fishnets.
  • For the sake of everyone here, please don't post anything that will result in mental scaring, or require years of therapy to undo the damage (again, RomanDA & fishnets).
  • Don't post pictures of other people in the community, only yourself.  That other person may not appreciate their photo being shared.

Keep it clean and fun... and preferably spooky!

... and some sort of medieval Green Lantern just walked into my office.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 31, 2006
HEY! You only wish I'd post that one, YOU took the pic.. so im sure its on your pc somewhere!
on Oct 31, 2006

There was a good reason for me doing this. Why I did it
on Oct 31, 2006

This scary enough?
on Oct 31, 2006
@ Zubaz...

MY EYES! The goggles do nothing!

on Oct 31, 2006
I'll post a Stormtrooper pumpkin I made over the weekend!

I didn't dress up this year though Definitely next year!
on Oct 31, 2006

Nick, awesome Jack O'Trooper.

Zubaz, nice buns. tee hee

RomanDA, if you came trick or treating at my house, I would give you all the candy.

on Oct 31, 2006
Zubaz, that's just wrong!!!
on Oct 31, 2006
RomanDA, if you came trick or treating at my house, I would give you all the candy.

yes, yes you would... and you would be HAPPY too.
on Oct 31, 2006
Well, I'm not dressed up like a freak this year. That's just how I look.

Anyway, a tradition started over here, where we carved out beets I think and made lanterns out of those. Some of the population migrated to America back in the 19th century and brought that tradition with them, but found the American lands with no beets but pumpkins, so they carved out those instead to keep the evil spirits away on All Hallows Eve... Just recently, this tradition became popular again here in Denmark, and so 2006 is the first year I tried to carve out some pumpkin heads.

It was supposed to be a pirate, but looked like a monkey with a patch over it's eye. So I present: The Monkey Pirate:

on Oct 31, 2006
Too busy working to dress up so i photoshopped a costume ... MUHAHAHA

Image Hosted by

ok, enough of that, back to work!

Happy Halloween !
on Nov 01, 2006
So I present: The Monkey Pirate

he is so cool!

This scary enough?

sheesh and how! ::

Happy Halloween everyone. Around the office here at Stardock today we've got some great costumes on display. There's Napoleon Dynamite, a Bearded Biker Faery Chick, a Town[e] Marshall, a Vampire Priest, an Elf, a Witch, some Elizabethan dude that's armed with a sword (we're not messing with Paul today) and not everyone's into the office yet, so we'll probably have some more great costumes by the time we get around to lunch and the costume contest

your work place sounds like fun, are we going to see any pics of the costumes?

on Nov 01, 2006
Zoomba, how could you leave me and go work somewhere so cool.

Want to know what we got? An email saying it is ok to leave by 4:30 in order to get kids/candy ready. Woot!

I didn't even see as much as a witch hat in the office.
on Nov 02, 2006
My, but some offices just don't remember how to have fun! Our office is not only decorated to the hilt, but all the staff members - including the Dentists, come to work in costume! Sure, it helps that our office caters to kids, but we still know how to have fun! Christmas is comin' and we have santa hats, reindeer antlers, elf shoes and all the cheezy christmas songs and we include Kwanzaa and Hannuka and any other ethnic celebration that our patients celebrate into the mix of decorations and even the music!
on Nov 02, 2006

To be fair, Caracarn1 works for a very large and impersonal company, the sort that likes to quash attempts at showing individuality    (I can get away with saying that since I just left said company 4 months ago).

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone here does for Christmas 

on Nov 02, 2006

And now, since people have been asking... a few photos of those of us who were in costume on Tuesday...

You just get to guess who is who... and no, I'm not in any of the photos 

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