From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
We're trying to make the site better for subscribers
Published on April 30, 2007 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

Summary of last week's poll is going to be short since this week's has a long explanation.  I asked what sort of news you most enjoy seeing on the WinCustomize every day.  The goal was to find what everyone enjoys the most and try to deliver more of that, making the site a more worthwhile destination during your daily travels. What sort of news would you like to see on WinCustomize
General Tech News 49.47%
Internet News 12.63%
Company-Specific News 7.37%
Weird News 24.21%
Other 6.32%

On to this week's poll....

WinCustomize is a big site that is, in large part, supported by user subscriptions.  Now, to a lot of people the entire idea of paying a website for some sort of exclusive content or improved service is a bit of a foreign idea, but it's what allows us to provide the services we do without bombarding users with a ton of ads, pop-ups, pop-unders and other extremely annoying methods of advertising.  Many of you here have supported us for years, through times both good and bad, and to you, we are extremely grateful.  But at the same time, we have millions of visitors every year, many of whom come back over and over, who for one reason or another, don't want to subscribe.

So this week's poll is an attempt to find out what it is that would make a $19.95 annual subscription to the site a no-brainer value to users.  WinCustomize 2008 is undergoing a very significant visual redesign, and as we work through the early stages, we are looking at pages and wondering how we can make the subscriber experience better, cooler, and more inviting to users who spend a lot of time on the site.  However, we want to be sure we're putting our resources towards something that will be worthwhile to our users, and hopefully encourage more people to subscribe.

So, assuming you're not already a subscriber, what features would make that $20 purchase easier?  And if you're already a subscriber, what would keep you renewing if we added it?  Or maybe what could we add that would make you suggest subscribing to friends who might visit the site?  We want to keep making the user experience better (which we have made great strides towards with the new site and better performance)

Poll options are:

  • Exclusive Website Features (i.e. RSS feeds, enhanced personal pages, customizable page layouts etc.)
  • Exclusive Website Content (i.e. subscriber-first tutorials, product previews, articles etc.)
  • More Subscriber Skins (such as WC Select, RIP, Kryptonite and XP Augustus)
  • Other (Please specify in comments)

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 01, 2007
I have subscribed neither for shiny extra goodies nor for anything else but for a simple reason, "I love this community."
on May 01, 2007
Image Hosted by I'd love to pick your brains. There is so much I'd like to learn about skinning and how people have overcome their difficulties. For example...smx is one app I love...problem is the ini confuses the hell out of me. Tutorials and subscriber skins to teach and set examples, to me, would be a good idea.He wasn't supposed to be there...this was
on May 01, 2007
....include politics & religion and your sure to get a lively response

This previous post. Those two are taboo and have no place here. They can only stir ill feelings.
on May 01, 2007
I'm sure it was an attempt at sarcasm and humor Uvah (hence the "lively" comment, those subjects always end up heated).

My vote is the first option. I'm not so into the galleries, a few skins here and there and I'm good to go. Being able to customize/add to our personal sites and change the layout of how certain things are displayed is my choice.
on May 01, 2007
Well, this doesn't really have much to do with subscribing, but I would like to be able to have a "Preview" for CXP as you do in WB. You know, like in the advanced preview where you can see a sample of all the cursors you have, but in one window.
on May 01, 2007
The biggest reason I haven't subscribed is the $20 cost. When I am trying a new piece of shareware, and I consider WinCustomize shareware, the cost is a big factor.

If the cost is $5 to $8 then usually I won't even think about registering it. If it looks cool and I know that I'll use it even a little bit in the future then I'll pay immediately.

Once the cost is greater than $10 then it has to be something that I know that I will use often before I register it.

At $20 or more, there is virtually no chance that I will immediately register it. I'll use it for a while and unless it somehow creeps into daily use then I will not end up registering it.
on May 01, 2007
Once the cost is greater than $10 then it has to be something that I know that I will use often before I register it.
Bytes Downloaded: 157 mb

When would software stop being shareware in your book?  
on May 01, 2007
When would software stop being shareware in your book?

What exactly are you asking?

Are you saying that because I've downloaded 157 mb of files that WinCustomizeP (the Program) isn't shareware? I've downloaded those files without using WinCustomizeP. You seem to be implying that since I have downloaded 157 mb of files that I should pay for WinCustomizeP? Not that it matters, but I've been buying software from SD since the days of OS/2, I've always kept a constant subscription to OD, and I have paid for ObjectDock, CursorXP, and Aquarium.

The bottom line is that I just don't see any added benefit to me in purchasing WinCustomizeP, especially at $20 a year. It looks like it does a nice job of organizing and browsing files but I don't need that. WinCustomizeS (the site) tracks 25 different types of themes, widgets, and whatnot but I don't care about 20 of those.

WinCustomizeS makes it very easy to find OD releated files and that facilitates the sale of OD and other SD products. That is the same thing Apple does with the iTunes store. Apple makes very little money from the sales of music on the iTunes store but what it does is drive sales of the iPod.

WinCustomizeP may easily be worth $20 a year to a person who uses a dozen or more of the programs that WinCustomize (the site) tracks but it isn't worth $20 to me.

Honestly, I am surprised how you can even argue with someone who says that WinCustomizeP isn't worth $20 to them. If they say it isn't worth $20 to them then it isn't. If someone says that WinCustomizeP is worth $20 to them, then it is.

SD asked why people don't subscribe to WinCustomizeP. I don't because the benefits it offers simply aren't worth $20 a year to me.

As always, your mileage may vary.
on May 01, 2007
I see no distinction between the site and the application.  The application is just one of the features of the site subscription..It is worthless without the site (and the database behind it).

I wasn't arguing with you about your choices.  I just didn't understand.  Because I make no distinction, it sounded like you were lumping all the features available in a subscription as not being worth $20 (actually $20 the first year and $20 for every 2-year renewal).
on May 01, 2007
Advertisements are only as obtrusive as the site administrator makes them.

Perhaps if all those Master Skins were included in the subscription price, it might be worth it for the average Stardock program user. For the skin creator, I CAN see a value for the site for all the help, Q&A, and support without any additions. Especially since the program to make the skins is free, right? But support for Object Desktop programs themselves should be included in the price we pay for the program. Especially for Forum base solutions.

I already pay Stardock for the program that uses all the skins and really question when it comes to paying them again to use a skin that uses that program I already paid for. We can say that the Master Skinner Artists deserve to get paid for their work and dedication. We could also say that the users should get paid for advertising that artist's work.
on May 01, 2007
The bottom line is that I just don't see any added benefit to me in purchasing WinCustomizeP, especially at $20 a year. It looks like it does a nice job of organizing and browsing files but I don't need that. WinCustomizeS (the site) tracks 25 different types of themes, widgets, and whatnot but I don't care about 20 of those.

I must agree. I've never felt any need to purchase the WC Browser for the 3 libraries I use. The irony is that I'd pay $20 a year more for OD if you raised the price that much and simply made WC a facet of the OD subscription. It seems to me there'd be absolutely no point to buying OD or Windowblinds, or CursorXP, or IconPackager without the skins being made available somehow.

I've purchased many premium suites and master skins and would pay for many more. I've also dl'd oodles and oodles of free skins, but mostly just so I could really see how they looked. If you charged something for ALL the skins on WC I would certainly be more selective in what I download, but I'd still buy quite a few. I want to see Stardock succeed and I want to see the skinners who work so hard get paid something. What I won't do is pay just to look around and see what's available - try a skin or 3 on - any more than I'd pay a fee to get inside my grocery store or to try on a dress. Actually, have you ever thought of making skins "trial version"? So people could try them on for a day or two, but would then have to pay if they want to keep them? Now that seems like a good way to make money to me.

But - your question was "what would make me want to pay for WC"...I suppose I'd pay for it if it was the only way to acquire new skins.

on May 01, 2007

Good points being brought up. For both sides.

However, the general list of subjects being brought up on the poll...really are far behind other well established sites. All free, will all stay free to view.

General Tech News: There are hundreds of these free sites...and though members/owners here are members and news posters at say, Neowin, don't stand a chance against the massive amount of new news posted. You'd have to pool together a list of news posters with dedicated areas of information. Some posts (no offense) here about news from Microsoft, or other areas of interest, can be days old...even so far as being a week behind.

Internet News: How would Wincustomize pull away from the typical crowd of those using MSN, or Yahoo for instance, as their home page. How would you compete against other well established internet news sites or RSS feeders that we've been using for some time now?

Company Specific News: Eh.....we could find that out from Stardock. Unless we're going to have to pay to view that site as well. I see NO reason to have to subscribe just to find out apps being upgraded or new ones being released. You'd be the first to do that...and you'd be standing outside the crowd wondering why you'd be the only one.

Weird News: Define. Again tough to compete with.

Other: Well....this would be the only category worth expanding on...

Aside from helping new and intermediate skinners get their artistry off the ground, by sharing and commenting, paying to get premium skins is worth it. Worth paying for the skin...not to subscribe, then pay. Even with a discount. I'd rather pay the artist without any middle man...and if interested in a theme, I would contact that artist and pay them directly. If they choose to host it here, then they face the cost with that choice.

Wincustomize is far behind other established sites in regards to the poll's inquiries. Making it a pay for site...not going to produce any significant changes catapulting WC as a "must have" service.

Seeing an ad or two in the comments section is no issue. I see that as a necessary part of supporting a large community...and you'll hear no complaints from me should WC see fit to use advertising as a cost reducing plan.

I realize the cost of having this site can be overwhelming...but unless Brad and the boys are willing to fork out huge discounts like being a member of Sam's Club wholesalers... meaning, if someone subscribes here, a discount on master skins shouldn't be the only benefit. How about, a 25% discount on OD, WB, ... games and other pay for apps from Stardock?

Make the money worth spending.... saying you need it cause you've devoted time to using Photoshop to dress up the glass effects on page borders and CSS frames?!? Ain't gonna cut it.
on May 01, 2007
There are user who don't Subscribe? Bunch of L's. I love Windblinds and in 2008 when my subscription runs out will have to try all the new stuff for Vista. By then I should have Vista
on May 01, 2007
There are user who don't Subscribe? Bunch of L's. I love Windblinds and in 2008 when my subscription runs out will have to try all the new stuff for Vista. By then I should have Vista

You are describing ObjectDesktop Network (ODNT) subscription, not Wincustomize subscriptions.

The Wincustomize subscription information page may be a wee bit out of date.  A good description of what a subscriber vs non gets might be a good addition to this discussion/
on May 01, 2007
There are user who don't Subscribe? Bunch of L's. I love Windblinds and in 2008 when my subscription runs out will have to try all the new stuff for Vista. By then I should have Vista

No need to hyphenate or hide words QD...tell us what you really think.

I think you should buy all of us subscriptions since you seem to have cash floating around not doing anything worth while.

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