From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands

Ok, the results of last week's poll have been previously posted and discussed, so this week we dive straight into the new poll...

How Much Time Do You Spent at WinCustomize in the Summer?

The summer months are lean months for most websites it seems.  For some strange reason people would rather be outside in the sun, having fun, traveling etc than spending their time visiting their favorite web sites and forums.  Now, that's mostly the general anonymous browsing crowd, not you, our loyal and dedicated community members.  We know you're made of sterner stuff than that, that you shun the Daystar as much as we do.

Let us know how you generally change your browsing pattern, if at all, for the summer months.  It will help us determine what efforts we will make with special content during these low times with few new product releases and little interesting news.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 31, 2007
This summer,unlike others, will be trying for this noob. Unfortunately, circumstances being what they are, I might be spending less time online than I'm used to. I've grown quite fond of visiting the forums in the wee hours. Basically the only time I can so as not to interfere with the phone (damn dialup). Where I am now, in a college town, I'm part of a program called transitional housing. My experience with being homeless is still pretty fresh, only two years ago. In this program you are given x amount of time to save, pull yourself together and find your own way. Now that that the time here has expired I'm forced to find my own place in a town where rents are through the proverbial roof. Way to much for me to afford. So if you don't hear from me for a bit it's because I'm out there pounding the sidewalks looking for a place to live. However, like all college towns there are libraries, so that's where I can access the net and see what's going on around here. The only thing I won't be able to do is submit anything for awhile or DL. Hope to see everyone again as soon as I get settled...again. But worry not, in the meantime I'll be adding to my store of submissions and when I do return the beta upload will be in for one helluva workout......Peace.
on May 31, 2007
Good luck Uvah.

I'll be around this summer.  No more or less until late July when we go on the road trip.
on May 31, 2007
summer time is outside time..i come here less anyway, things just aren't the same
on May 31, 2007
Summer? You mean theres a summer outside? Would it be that bright thing I see coming in my window putting glare on my screen all the time? Gotta get darker shades!
on May 31, 2007
You know what? it miss something in this poll -> MORE and many more
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