From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
The week comes to an end
Published on September 28, 2007 By Zoomba In OS Customization

We wrap up our WinCustomize Wiki Week with a page that everyone who wants to help out should check: The Work In Progress page. 

When you create an article, you can flag it as an incomplete page that needs more attention and assistance (a work-in-progress).  These articles will be listed on the WiP page for everyone to see.  This makes it much easier to quickly find out what needs some tender, loving care.  You know any page on that list has people waiting eagerly for.  Now you can't say "Well, I would have contributed, but I didn't know what was needed!" 

And for our final featured contributor: DoctorNick.  DoctorNick's contributions are probably the most visible as he contributed a lot to prettying up the page layouts, and is the man responsible for skinning the Wiki to match WinCustomize.  He put in many late nights doing battle with CSS incompatibilities between web browsers, and other annoying aspects of the Wiki skinning system.

And that does it for our first attempt at a themed content week.  I hope you enjoyed it, as there will be more to come in the future!

on Sep 28, 2007
You did an awesome job on this CSS Doc
on Sep 28, 2007
Aww, thanks Zoomba
on Sep 28, 2007
Fantastic work DoctorNick! The site looks great.  
on Sep 28, 2007
If I were only half the man he was I'd still only be Docto. 

Thanks for all the effort. 
on Oct 02, 2007
That doesn't get you out of getting us slurpees... now go... get... why are you still reading this?       Great job!