Wallpapers are an often overlooked piece of the user experience, as they're often covered by application windows, folders and icons. But there's something to be said about finding the wallpaper that perfectly matches your skin and icon set, making for the ultimate theme.
Here at WinCustomize, we have a wallpaper gallery with thousands of wallpapers submitted over the years, some of them are absolutely fantastic too. But we know we're not THE destination on the net for wallpapers, there are dozens of sites out there with a better selection. This is an issue we're going to be working hard to rectify in the future.
So, what I'm wondering is where do YOU go when you need to find a killer wallpaper? What are your favorite sites that have the best selection of what you're looking for? Toss a comment in on your favorite sites, and what your preferred type of wallpaper is (abstract, nature, photo etc).
While you ponder, here are a few of my all-time favorites from the wallpaper gallery here at WC: