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Clicky, clicky, clickity-click
Published on October 25, 2007 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

RightClick is an app that is often overlooked by many skinners and owners of Object Desktop, but for those who have given it a whirl, it quickly becomes absolutely indispensable as a productivity tool.  But on top of being incredibly useful, it can be skinned too, so not only is it useful, but stylish as well.  The RightClick gallery here at WinCustomize is a pretty busy place, and if you haven't checked it out yet, you definitely should to see what you're missing out on.

Here are a few of my favorite RightClick skins that have recently been uploaded.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 26, 2007
Having tried RightClick a few years ago I hadn't given it a second thought until recently. Seeing a resurgence of Skins for it I decided to try it again. Now with both Object Dock + & RightClick I have reduced the # of docks. I now cannot live without either of these programs. The best information that I received in making RC much more usable was the included Readme by both Fairyy~ & buzz58 in their RC skins.

If your menus aren't displaying correctly.

Just add more text to one line on a sub menu.
If you have 'wb config' and the menu isn't stretching out far enough, just change that one item to 'Windowsblind Config'
Just a few extra letter on one entry will stretch the sub menu out wider. You can do same on the main menu.
You can also add a clock or date at top and select
' spell out full date' as an option when you config the clock. This will make the difference between a narrow menu and a much wider one.

It's My Secret
on Oct 26, 2007
Thats why I asked him for more info - I've never come across a RC skin that didn't have a folder. I've downloaded many Rainlendars that did exactly what he said - you need to make your own folder with appropriate name then unzip to the folder you made or you end up with a bunch of loose files - so he can always make a folder in RightClick skins folder before unzipping.
Unless he is having an isolated problem.

Me too, and I think it's just the way it was packaged.
on Oct 26, 2007
Zubaz still likes ObjectBar more . . but RC is sweet.
on Oct 26, 2007
One thing I would like to bring up about RightClick .

I have noticed since the initial update of RC in September that was for the most part just to make RightClick Vista compatible that the downloads on all RightClick skins have dropped off by 75%. A RC skin associated with a windowblind would usually have a high download count. Now , most RC skins average around 200 or less since the middle of september.

The only 'probable' reason that I can see is that after the update if you did not leave RightClick program RUNNING during update - you lost your entire menu configuration.

A decent RightClick menu can take hours to set up in you add everything to it.

I suspect that is the reason for the lower downloads in RC gallery - too many may have lost their menus and just didn't bother to redo them again.

It would be a huge plus to the RightClick program if the next update included a " Save configuration " to avoid this issue.
Also - PNG support instead of BMP's and magic pink would be a huge added bonus and making skinning RC even more fun to skin.

The very least would be perhaps a little note in Stardock Central saying " Please leave RightClick running during update " to avoid this loss of configuration.

on Oct 26, 2007
Having tried RightClick a few years ago I hadn't given it a second thought until recently. Seeing a resurgence of Skins for it I decided to try it again. Now with both Object Dock + & RightClick I have reduced the # of docks. I now cannot live without either of these programs. The best information that I received in making RC much more usable was the included Readme by both Fairyy~ & buzz58 in their RC skins.

And here I thought no one ever read those "Read me " texts
on Oct 26, 2007
PNG support instead of BMP's and magic pink would be a huge added bonus

YES, YES, YES, I've been wishing this since I started doing them myself (not that long) but I've wondered why this doesn't support PNG. Not saying there aren't some great ones out here (buzz's Glass comes to mind) but it really limits the design with bmp/magicpink. Can someone in StarDock explain why it doesn't support png for me? Just wondering.
on Oct 26, 2007
YES, YES, YES, I've been wishing this since I started doing them myself (not that long) but I've wondered why this doesn't support PNG. Not saying there aren't some great ones out here (buzz's Glass comes to mind) but it really limits the design with bmp/magicpink. Can someone in StarDock explain why it doesn't support png for me? Just wondering.

It would nice if we could just get a yes or no or " were looking into it " but its been brought up on several threads over a couple of years. If its not a possibility could someone just tell us. RC really could use PNG support as well as the Save configuration.
With PNGS you could get smooth corners and transparent menus.

Buzzh58 manages to achieve these effects by some creative graphics work but he spends a lot of time making a RightClick menu and adjusting the ini pad margins and settings.
Thank God he has taught me a lot..
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