From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Never would have guessed it would lead me here
Published on November 30, 2007 By Zoomba In Virtual Communities

The other day I happened to pop on over to my WinCustomize profile page to see if there was any action on my guest book, and I glanced past my "Member Since" date.  You know what I saw?  That I was coming up on my 5 year anniversary as a member of the Stardock community.

November 30, 2002.

Five years ago I came across a game called Galactic Civilizations.  There was a beta test going for anyone who bought the game so I signed up for an account, sent over some cash and was soon plugging away with the game.

Gal Civ released a few months later to rave reviews and a reasonable amount of commercial success.  I continued to play the game, post on forums, skim articles etc.  And from there I started to see what else there was to be had.  I picked up Object Desktop and ObjectDock and played with that for a while.  Then in late 2003, JoeUser launched.  Immediately it looked to me like a much better blogging site than what was available at the time so in September, 2003 I signed up.

For the next 2 years I blogged at JU frequently.  I posted about everything from my post-college job hunt, to life in CT working for an insurance company and every misc topic that popped into my head.  Along the way I played more and more with Object Desktop and started cruising WinCustomize more and more for skins and icons to download.

Then I started frequenting the Stardock IRC channel, even going with Danny Bassette (former JU user) to create a semi-official JoeUser chat channel.  From that point on I started chatting more and more with people both in Stardock and in the community as a whole.

Often people can't really say what they get specifically from being a part of an online community.  Heck, a lot of people laugh at the idea of a "community" made up of people you've never met in person.  Me, I can point my finger directly at very tangible things I've gained through being a part of the overall Stardock community.

What I've gained:

  • Friends
    Folks like Island Dog, ZubaZ and others in the wider community, as well as many many people from Stardock itself.  I've gained a lot of very real, very good friends here.
  • Opportunities
    I've "met" and worked with some really great people from around the tech world.  These are contacts and relationships that will be invaluable to me for the rest of my career.
  • A fantastic job
    Being a part of the community helped me land possibly the coolest job ever.  I've gushed at length about my job in the past, so I'll leave that off this list 
  • A broader view of the world
    One of the greatest things you can gain from an online community is a broader perspective.  We have people from all over the world visiting us every day, sharing their thoughts in blogs on JoeUser, or discussing technology on WinCustomize.  I've learned a lot from the people I interact with within this community.

It's hard to believe that today marks five years.  Five years ago I was still in college (a Junior), working a handful of part time jobs, wondering what the hell I'd be doing in a few years time.  I never ever guessed I'd end up where I am.  Being a part of this community has played an incredibly important role in my life, no question.

But what have you gained from being here?  What does the community mean to you?  Has your real life been made better or worse for the experience?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 30, 2007
/waves back
Been here, but not as much. Maybe every other day instead of 14 hrs. daily...   
Kids, winter, #!@*^!#@ cold! Waa   
Life is good.
Toes froze. Gotta go soak 'em...   
on Nov 30, 2007
Been a lurker here for a while. Job and family takes up most of my time. I like what I see here. Lot of talent and nice people. My skills are in a different domain but I enjoy being here when I can.

Congrats on 5 years
on Nov 30, 2007
Happy anniversary Zoomba!!!!
on Nov 30, 2007
Thanks for all the kind words everyone 
on Nov 30, 2007
Jul 13, 2002 is the day I joined WC... Until then I had been just a name on a few sites and never really took much part in any one community...(except for a short stint When I beta tested LiteStep v0.24.0.back in 1998) after that I floated from site to site using and playing with various customizing applications, Until I settled here during an upheaval at Razor art. 5 years later, Im still here and going strong

Happy WC Bday Zoomba ol friend, hopefully we will together bring in another 5 years

Best wishes HG
on Nov 30, 2007
Gawd, 5 years, eh? Seems like only yesterday that I saw your name pop up for the first time. I've been coming to WC for nearly 5 years now... how time flies when you're having fun.

Oh, and congrats on the anniversary and scoring such a fantastic job.
on Nov 30, 2007
wow, that scares me... i've been here sooooo long... i think i remember playing stellar frontier back in 2000... then i moved to galciv. But my account here says 2002.

you've defintitaly made more of your time here than i have, congrats!
on Dec 01, 2007
"The other day I happened to pop on over to my WinCustomize profile page to see if there was any action on my guest book, and I glanced past my "Member Since" date. You know what I saw? That I was coming up on my 5 year anniversary as a member of the Stardock community.

November 30, 2002."

Whoa....made me think. How long have I been here:? Hang on.....

Create Date: 9/15/2001

Crappers.....what in the world have I been diong all this time?!

Oh yeah, reading the blogs.......oh well, back to work....
on Dec 01, 2007
Congrats Zoomba

Couple more months and I have my 5th too
on Dec 01, 2007
Happy Aniversary

I myself have been a member since Oct. 2001 Wow, it has been a long road.

When I first came here I was just looking for simple wallpapers to make my desktop look better than my friends. I did that. Then I looked at windowblinds and knew I had to have that.

I have learned alot but have alot more to learn. Problem is I have less time now than I did back then.

Wincustomize is something I would not like to be without. I just love what I can do with my computer and this site. If I have a problem, I can get plenty of advise (not always the advise I want)  . Jafo really puts the screws to well as a few others who have tried to make me understand how to do things.

Being a blond, now with some greys popping up, I just try to have fun and work with what is here. I have learned I am not as talented as most who are here and it really doesn't bother me. I found I can be part of a community that gives so much to others and asks so little in return.

The price is right. The help is there when you really need it and everyone is so nice most of the time. Did it really change my life? I would say it has allowed me to have fun with my computer and at the same time learn.

Thanks to all.
on Dec 01, 2007
I found I can be part of a community that gives so much to others and asks so little in return.

So true. Haven't felt that way in a long time until I found WC. I don't really know people here by their name (well, some by reading posts) but what counts is what you just said.
on Dec 02, 2007
Way to go Zoomba.

(I think I'm mostly on record)
on Dec 02, 2007
Congrats Mike has been said already, this place is all the better with you as part of it.   
on Dec 02, 2007

I got curious... Wow I'm been member for more than 6 years. I think I registered when WC was in that brief beta stage week? Been so long.

Here's to more years!
on Dec 26, 2007
  Mike ...

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