From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Possibly some of the best icon art I've ever seen
Published on February 4, 2008 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

One of my all-time favorite icons sets is Buuf by mattahan.  They have an amazing quirky style that looks almost like they're molded out of clay, and the names for the files are hilarious.  Back in 2006 a few of our skinners contacted mattahan asking if they could convert his icons to Windows (he's a Mac user).  He consented and we got the great Buuf icon set from rgerrans.

Well, turns out mattahan is at it again with a second Buuf set, and our friends at Shellscape have converted it for use with IconPackager, and provided a download with the original images in 128x128 png format.

The download is 100% free.  You can snag it here.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 04, 2008

I thought it was dead.

Glad it's not!
Thanks for the conversion!

Yeah..cant wait for new kapsules..
Thanks Andrew
on Feb 04, 2008
can someone post a message to gabriel for him to do an update? I think its worth to try. I'll send him one.
on Feb 04, 2008
I was going to suggest/beg for a Buuf WB 6 update. . .

Obviously, several of us are of the same mind!
Well, I add my name to the petition, and will enjoy these icons in the interim.

Thanks, guys. . . beautiful work, as was the first IP!!
on Feb 04, 2008
I sent Gabriel this message on his page--and just in case he reads these:

Hey man (Gabriel), there are a few of us in the community who would like to humbly ask/beg for you to do a WB6 update to Buuf WB.

There seems to be a Buuf renaissance happening after the release of a new IP. I have always considered this my favorite WB of all time--tied with Vienna and Vienna2. So again, I lie at your feet in supplication. . . Buuf WB6 (for XP, and I guess Vista, too) would be the last great WB; the one which will cross with me the River Styx. . . Oh great one, PLEASE, I beseech thee in the name of all that is good and holy.

(I hope that wasn't a little much.)
on Feb 04, 2008
I'd leave a note on the skin too.  I did.
{You don't get notifications on guestbook entries . . . but you do on skins 
on Feb 04, 2008
Thanks mattahan! Superb and fun icon set! ...and thanks for the other link Sir Z.
on Feb 04, 2008
Yeah thanks alot. I downloaded the icons and then used icon packager to change the folder icon to the batfolder icon. After changing the icon I now need to use command prompt to open my folders. Yeah real smart idea downloading these useless turds.
on Feb 05, 2008
I'm not sure what you did incorrect but I believe you are being rather harsh there Adam Michael calling useless turds. I've never applied just one icon out of a set though. It works terrific and looks excellent here.
The WB's that are available really shine as well, I sure hope one of them gets updated, though Gabriels seems best.
on Feb 05, 2008
there are a few of us in the community who would like to humbly ask/beg for you to do a WB6 update to Buuf WB.

me too

These are stunning icons. Amazing.   
on Feb 05, 2008
Yeah thanks alot. I downloaded the icons and then used icon packager to change the folder icon to the batfolder icon. After changing the icon I now need to use command prompt to open my folders. Yeah real smart idea downloading these useless turds.

Apparently, Adam, ya screwed somethin' up. No problems here. And this may be the best IP set I've ever seen!! I'm with the Buuf WB6 update.....
on Feb 05, 2008
Very the look.  
on Feb 20, 2008
Hi. Anybody have any idea why the link on the top of this post "snag it here" doesn't work at our friends at Shellscape anymore. buffduece
on Feb 20, 2008
These Icons look great!!!!  
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