One of the most controversial galleries on WinCustomize is, without a doubt, our wallpaper section. In the past 90% of all work submitted was rejected out-right. Now, more is let through, but still the vast majority is placed on a user's personal page instead of the main gallery. This has met with mixed reactions from wallpaper artists and users alike. Some do not like the relaxed requirements, claiming that it has ruined the quality of the gallery. Others contend that we're being too restrictive and driving away wallpaper artists to other sites such as DeviantArt, Interfacelift etc.
So I thought this week we'd put it to an actual vote. Let everyone voice their opinion on how they would like wallpaper moderation to be handled.
At the moment, moderators look at a wallpaper submission, and decide whether it's personal-page-only, or main gallery material. The general metric we use is if something would be rated a 5/10 or higher (or 2.5 stars), it's good enough for the main gallery, 4/10 and lower goes to the personal page. We only reject broken submissions, submissions with bad preview images, or rips.
So, is our new policy to send some items to the personal page, and others to the main gallery a good one? Is the 5/10 threshold an acceptable limit, or should it be raised or lowered? Vote on the poll, and share your opinion in the comments below.