Ok, we're late to the party, and just yesterday I myself was asking what the heck the point was of Twitter, but this morning, WinCustomize joined the Twitter craze that's sweeping the web.
A sort of hybrid between blogging and Instant Messaging, Twitter focuses on brief and to-the-point messages that are broadcast to anyone who wants to read them. Forming a social network of followers and followees, you can find yourself engaged in conversation with people you otherwise would never have cause or occasion to chat.
It's free and easy to use. You can either post and read updates via Twitter.com, or you can download any of a number of desktop-based twitter clients (Twhirl is my client of choice at the moment).
Here are a few Twitter accounts you might like to "follow":
Are you on Twitter? Toss your twitter link in the comments below so others can "follow" you!