From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Too much time on my hands
Published on October 22, 2005 By Zoomba In Blogging

Star Destroyer - Day 3

October 22, 2005

Day 3

Today was a marathon session. I sat down around 1pm and pulled out all the little lego bags, and the frame section I built on Day 2. I kept at it until 7:30pm. While my back and knees aren't all that happy with having sat cross-legged on the floor for 6.5hrs, I got a lot done on the set. I started with a non-descript triangle and ended up with something that is definitely starting to resemble an Imperial Star Destroyer! Today's accomplishments:

  • Building the second frame piece
  • Doing all the detail sections along the edges of each frame
  • Putting the two frames together
  • Building the engines
  • The first quarter of the exterior hull plating

The hardest part was the hull section since all the pieces are the same color and there are a ton of pieces in the set where they vary in size by ONE peg. The result was putting in the wrong pieces a bunch of times, realizing the mistake several steps later and having to tear a section apart and put it back together again with the correct piece. The next several days of work are probably going to be doing the remaining hull sections. It's the tedious part, but damn if the results aren't starting to look good!

I'm actually going through this much quicker than I expected. I bet I'll have it done in about a month now.

It's large enough now that I had to clear the floor of one of my larger closets so I had somewhere to store it that the cat couldn't get at. I'm going to have to figure out how I'm going to store/display the thing once I'm done. Thinking some sort of glass or plastic enclosure so my cat can't try and eat it (as she likes to do with LEGOs).

Shot of the floor with the first frame finished
Side Detail Shot
Side Detail Shot
This is a shot of the detail pieces that go ALL along the sides of the frame sections
Both Frames
Both Frames
Both frames are finished now. Laid side by side
Main Body Built
Main Body Built
The two frame sections are attached together. This is the main frame of the entire ship.
Frame Shot 2
Frame Shot 2
A "down the nose" look at the two frame pieces together
The Star Destroyer now has a stand to hold it up. This makes it a lot easier to store.
Stand 2
Stand 2
A nice side-angle shot of the frame on the stand.
The three main engines and eight auxillary engines installed and ready to fire!
Hull Plating 1/4 Done!
Hull Plating 1/4 Done!
A look down on the ship with the bottom half of the hull plating in place
Hull Plating 2
Hull Plating 2
An "underneath" shot of the plating. You can see pretty clearly where the docking bay is going to be.
Rear Shot
Rear Shot
This is a shot to show the hull that extends beneath the engines.

on Oct 22, 2005
I dont think this is going to go until Christmas.  Looks like a turkey present to me.
on Oct 22, 2005
I figured originally I'd just work for an hour at a time, but I seem to lose track of time when putting the set together. If I had stuck to the hour-at-a-time sessions, these pictures would probably represent week 7 or 8.
on Oct 22, 2005
Porn, pure Porn!! ;~D

6 1/5 hours of "lost in legoland" bliss!

Thanks for letting us share in it!
on Oct 22, 2005
I'm enjoying this... although I'm disappointed (not surprised) that it's going faster than expected. Just means we'll *all* get this particular distraction out of the way. (Not that it's an unwelcome distraction, mind you...)
on Oct 22, 2005
on Oct 22, 2005
Sweet! but $300.00??? That's a bit steep even for a LEGO lover.
I know my compadre Drew will have to get one though.
3100 pieces!
Holy eyestrain Batman!
on Oct 22, 2005
SSG Geezer, Imagine the shock and awe of my 1SGT and Commander, when I showed up for CQ complete with a few thousand (only a part of my full collection) Legos as part of my after midnight "Survival Kit". ;~D
on Oct 23, 2005
Geezer... yeah, eyestrain only begins to cover it.... ALL the pieces are shades of gray. They all look the same! *goes cross-eyed*
on Oct 23, 2005

Geezer... yeah, eyestrain only begins to cover it.... ALL the pieces are shades of gray. They all look the same! *goes cross-eyed*

Use the Force Zoomba!  Let the Force guide you!

on Nov 09, 2005
Don't you ever work?
on Nov 09, 2005

Reply By: Caracarn1Posted: Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Don't you ever work?

If you know Zoomba, as you have indicated, you would know the answer!

Work?  For the Proletariat masses?  He does not need no stinkeen work!  He is Zoomba!

on Nov 09, 2005
I'm very good at convincing management that I'm actually working while producing no tangible proof It's a skill that's taken years to hone.
on Nov 09, 2005

I'm very good at convincing management that I'm actually working while producing no tangible proof It's a skill that's taken years to hone.

I know you!  You are Wally!