From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Like the computer in Minority Report
Published on August 3, 2006 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

Ever since Xerox showed off the first mouse-driven interface to a computer decades ago, scientists and researchers have continually worked towards creating the perfect human-computer interface.  The mouse and keyboard have seen steady improvements over the years, we've seen the addition of eye and head-tracking controllers, tablet/pen interfaces etc.  The problem however is they're all limited by what we already have.  They're just different ways to emulate the mouse.  To this day, manipulation of objects on a computer screen had been limited to two points of movement/control.  One researcher at NYU however is making some very serious progress on an entirely new way to interact with your PC... with your hands.

And when I say hands, I don't mean like you use them now.  Not even like you use them on a conventional touch-screen when you order an MTO at Sheetz.  Jeff Han has come up with a way to use your computer in one of the most natural ways imaginable, using as many fingers, or points of pressure as you like, you can manipulate icons, photos, windows, anything as if you were grabbing it with your hand in the 3D world.  He recently gave a keynote speech/demo of what he has accomplished to a conference in February of this year.  The technology is called Multi Touch Sensing. 

Check out the video... It's really amazing!  It's a completely intuitive, interface-less way of interacting with a computer.  Once this makes it out of the lab and into the real world, we may see the concept of computer use completely change!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 03, 2006
Amazing! Truly innovative human to computer interface. This sort of research will indeed change the way we interact with computers, but how long the road? I want it now.
on Aug 03, 2006
I can see the games now....
on Aug 03, 2006
I saw this a few months back. Hopefully we're a little closer to the reality now.
on Aug 03, 2006
That was really awesome! I can't wait to see all pc's have that technology!
on Aug 03, 2006
That was most interesting thing I have seen in quite sometime.
on Aug 03, 2006
Combine this with Photosynth...

I agree with the above. I want it now. The next step in computers is so close.
on Aug 03, 2006
This is really awesome stuff. I saw this a few months back and it just really blew my mind.
Having said that, this still all takes place on 2D surface, I think a true revolution in interface will come when we take the screen out of the equation completely.
on Aug 03, 2006
Forget just taking out the screen, that's small thinking! I want my jack into the Matrix wired to my spine!
on Aug 03, 2006
i want one of them boards All though i still like my keyboard and mouse
on Aug 03, 2006
well, it seems that sooner or later we should start saying bye bye to our keyboards and mouse...
on Aug 03, 2006
ooohhh, that is so cool. The future is going to be awesome.
on Aug 04, 2006
The future is going to be awesome.

The future is what we make it. Mine will be awesome.
on Aug 04, 2006
My ISDN line had a glance on that videofile, choked and ran away. Will have to wait until next weekt to see what the fuss is about.
on Aug 04, 2006
hm.... How come a sad smiley face turns into a frowing one..?
on Aug 05, 2006
Reminds me of the interface Tom Cruise was using in Minority Report and Sharon Stone was using in Sphere. Seems like science fiction and reality are coming closer.
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