From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Published on August 7, 2006 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News
Welcome back, intrepid WinCustomize readers!  You've survived another week, made it through a weekend and now we're back to Monday, the most beloved of all days.  And as you're all coming to expect, Monday means a new poll!  Last week, you were asked if you read Stardock Magazine.  We received 228 responses, with about an even split between "Yes" and "Huh?"  Here's the breakdown:

Do you read Stardock Magazine?
  Yes 95   41.67%
  No 46 20.18%
  What's "Stardock Magazine?" 87 38.18%

For those of you who don't know, Stardock Magazine is a monthly e-mail that covers the product and community highlights of the previous month, plus tidbits of information about what's coming in the future.  The latest issue talks about Object Desktop 2007, the new Stardock website, the summer's plans for GalCiv 2 and what the community thinks Stardock's next game should be.

To subscribe to Stardock Magazine, do the following:

  1. Click on the "My Account" button on the top right of the page.
  2. Click on Account Information
  3. Enter your Stardock Account info (email and password) to re-verify your identity.
  4. A pop-up window will appear, click on the Mailing List tab and select which of our three mailing lists you want to be on.

Now, for those of you who already receive and read the monthly mailing, what are your thoughts on it?  How would you like to see it improved?

This week's poll question is:

What version of Microsoft Windows are you currently running?

Results, as always, to be posted next Monday.

on Aug 07, 2006
We are experiencing problems with some of our servers at the moment, so if you're not seeing the updated poll, just sit tight for a bit while we figure things out.
on Aug 07, 2006
Now, for those of you who already receive and read the monthly mailing, what are your thoughts on it? How would you like to see it improved?

I read it, but most of the news is old becausse I hang around WC, gc2, and I have forwarded it on to friends as Stardock propaganda though. Hopefully a few sales are generated.
on Aug 07, 2006
Will be albe to comment on the polls? i.e. like dA does it. Sometimes it'd be nice to be able to drop a comment along side what you vote.

I this instance I wanted to add a comment that the current poll should allow for multiple options as people, like me, run muliple versions. (XP Pro, XP Home, Vista Ultimate)
on Aug 07, 2006
The poll is more to get what your primary OS is.