Since I started covering WinCustomize in July, I've tried to bring in some regular, weekly content up on the front page and in the articles sections. This comes in the form of daily news articles, weekly polls, the moderator picks of the week, product announcements, contests, Skinner of the Month and more. The hope is to generate more community involvement, to encourage our daily visitors, skinners and forum readers to take an active role in making this site a more relevant and interesting place to gather.
To that end, it's all well and good for me to stand here and post all these articles, news stories, polls and events, but I'm only one person, there's only so much I can do, especially when events such as the GUI Champs come along and demand a significant time investment. So, here I am, making an appeal to the community. Do you consider yourself anything of a writer? Do you like to pontificate on tech news and events?
At one time, the idea was to have WinCustomize be a site largely driven by the community, well, here's your chance to start driving more of the daily content! If you want to get more involved, drop a comment here with what you'd like to contribute, and we'll go from there.