In case you've been waiting to vote on Most Original Wallpaper until the last minute, well, time is running out! At midnight tonight (Eastern Time) voting will be closed for Most Original Wallpaper. The next time you'll be able to vote on a Wallpaper event will be in November for the Best Overall event. So get moving and vote if you haven't already!
When Wallpaper voting closes tonight, voting for Most Usable Icon Package will begin. Currently there are 37 submitted icon packs that are waiting for your votes! Voting on Most Usable Icon Package will run until 11:59pm Wednesday, then it ticks over to Most Original Icon Package.
Last week, we announced the prizes to Most Original Icon Package and Most Original WindowBlinds Visual style; two top cards from NVIDIA & EVGA. This week, we'll be announcing the top overall competition prize... and wow is it big! So be sure to keep your eyes peeled to the site over the next few days!
The GUI Champs 2006 is supported in part by our Premier Sponsors; NVIDIA/EVGA are our exclusive graphics card sponsors, continuing their ongoing support for skinning and the skinning community.