From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands

GUI Championships 2006Half-way!  That's where we are in the GUI Champs '06 competition.  Today we announced the winners of the Most Usable Icon Package, along with the top-ten finalists for Most Usable & Most Original Visual Styles.  Later on in the week we'll be announcing the Most Original Icon Package winners, bring us within two weeks of the end of the contest, and so far we will have handed out $850 in cash, $3396in software and site subscriptions, not to mention an EVGA GeForce 7600GS!  Not bad for only half the events being done, and the best part is, we're just getting over the low-end of the prize scale!  In the upcoming weeks, we'll be giving away increasingly large amounts of cash, an EVGA GeForce 7900GT, a few XBox360s, and to top it all off, the Alienware Area-57 M5950 Multimedia Laptop!

The next events for users to vote on will be the Best Overall events coming up in two weeks, these three events carry the biggest single winner prizes of the competition, excepting of course the Alienware to the top overall skinner.  With Original Icons going up Friday, and Original and Usable Visual Styles going up throughout next week, it's going to be a busy, busy time for everyone involved, or interested in the competition.

So go, check out the Most Usable Icon winners and the Visual Style finalists here!  And be sure to check back often as we post more winners, and other tidbits of news on what we have in store for everyone this second half of the competition.

Also, in case you're just curious, here's a direct link to a break down of all the prizes we're handing out:

The GUI Champs 2006 is supported in part by our Premier Sponsors; Alienware and NVIDIA/EVGAAlienware is the exclusive PC vendor sponsor of the competition, providing industry-leading technology to both gamers and creative professionals.  NVIDIA/EVGA are our exclusive graphics card sponsors, continuing their ongoing support for skinning and the skinning community.

on Oct 24, 2006
Congratulations to all.
on Oct 24, 2006
A lot of hard work went into making the Icon Packages and the Visual Styles. I'm sure the judges had a difficult time coming up with their choices. Everyone involved with the contest should be given a hand of applause.
on Oct 25, 2006
I agree with Hankers on this one. There were some great skins uploaded to the 2006 GUIC. The IP category was hell in choosing a finalist. Congrats to all!...and Thanks for your work.