For WC visitors in the US, we're coming up on the 2006 mid-term elections in just 5 days. Some of you in states like Florida with early-voting rules, have already voted, but many of us have not. While everyone is concerned over the big issues of the economy, national security etc. something else worth looking at, and that is probably of interest to the sorts of people who frequent the site, is how do your state senators and representatives vote on technology issues? Communications Decency Act of 1996? RealID Act? Internet Taxation? Net Neutrality? These are issues that fly under the radar most of the time because most voters don't understand the issues at hand, but many of us here do.
CNet has put together a voting record analysis of the Senate and House of Representatives, marking how each member voted on multiple technology-related bills. They provide a breakdown by state, and provide the methodology for rating each bill's votes. Which side comes out ahead? According to CNet's analysis, in the Senate, Republicans had a 10% lead over the Democrats, and in the House of Representatives, the Democrats only managed a narrow victory over the Republicans. So while these issues may not impact your vote come November 7th, it's at least worth looking up your own representation just to know how they do vote on tech issues.