From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Worst. Commercial. Ever.
Published on February 8, 2007 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

Ok, so most of us remember the smiling flying people in the commercials for Windows XP, and now we're dealing with the annoying "WOW!" people in the Vista commercials, and we're more or less entertained by Apple's Mac vs PC ad campaign.  Ad campaigns for operating systems are pretty hit or miss, and in the case of Microsoft, typically miss.  So it's no surprise that one of their first, a commercial for Windows 386 is incredibly bad.

Don't believe me?  Well, Gizmodo dug up an old commercial for Windows 386 that's really not much of a commercial since it's 5min in length.  It's got everything you could want from the early 90s... big hair, bad clothes, and painfully bad rap.

Check out the video for a good laugh.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 08, 2007
Zoomba, having some advertising training in my background, what really stands out is that commercials like these are written to the level of the anticipated consumer base they are trying to get to use their products. In other words it's a reflection of what big business thinks of us, the consumer. The last time you brought a big ticket item did you feel smarter than the salesperson? Did you believe the "come on" in the advertising?   
on Feb 08, 2007
What is so disturbing is the "Mission Impossible" theme music, Hitchcockesque shadows and cheesy 80's rap music. What an amazing combinations on video productions mishmash.
on Feb 08, 2007
Great Laugh Zoomba! I especially like the mission impossible music running in the background before the rapping. Was that playing to illustrate the impossible tasks the young lady was going to perform with the 386, or how impossible it was going to be for that loser to get a date with her!!!!!!!! Absolutely astounding.
on Feb 08, 2007
That was terrible!

And I like the Apple ads.
on Feb 08, 2007
That was great!

I don't think it was a commercial though. The whole thing is 12 minutes long. It just looks like a promo video.
on Feb 08, 2007
I want my 12 minutes back.
on Feb 08, 2007

having some advertising training in my background, what really stands out is that commercials like these are written to the level of the anticipated consumer base they are trying to get to use their products. In other words it's a reflection of what big business thinks of us, the consumer.

So Apple thinks their user-base are smarmy, precocious supercillious brats that need a kick up their collective arse for being so smug?

Good one, Jobs....

on Feb 08, 2007
Yeah,I find the Apple ads insulting...they dont really say anything about Apple...just put down anyone who uses Windows(most of US)  

I couldnt watch the whole thing...are all you tube videos that poor quality?I've yet to see one that was worth watching.

I thought video compression tech was getting better.  
on Feb 08, 2007
Theres also a 7 minute promo for Win2K. You may actually like this one.

WWW Link
on Feb 08, 2007
Oh my God! O_º
on Feb 08, 2007
What's really sad to me is, I remember using windows 123 and 386. Man how things and times have change.
on Feb 08, 2007
God that was just terrible, but it was also one of those "it's so bad you gotta watch it" things. So who exactly was it suppose to be aimed at - rapping executives??

As for the apple ads, while I do find them funny, it is interesting how the big evil corporation that is Microsoft doesn't advertise its products by directly degrading or insulting the competition, while "everyone's favorite underdog" that is Apple is doing exactly that. Just some food for thought...
on Feb 09, 2007
As for the apple ads, while I do find them funny, it is interesting how the big evil corporation that is Microsoft doesn't advertise its products by directly degrading or insulting the competition, while "everyone's favorite underdog" that is Apple is doing exactly that. Just some food for thought...

Amen! That's why I hate the ads sooo much. It's like the only way they can try to get people to switch to their "own a Mac and you'll instantly be cool" product is by trashing the competition....who happens to have so much of the market it should hardly be called competition to begin with.
on Feb 09, 2007
Is this for real?

How could they ever have thought this was a good idea??
on Feb 09, 2007
Stopped it at about the half way point eyes & ears were bleeding.

Any longer and I would have bled out...   
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