From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
iPod, iTunes, iTV.... iDon't Care Anymore....
Published on March 22, 2007 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

The Crave Blog at CNet is running a "First Impressions" article on Apple TV, Apple's attempt to take over the living room by bringing the ease of the iPod to the home theater.  The article covers the experience from getting the device out of the box to getting it hooked up and running with your TV and home network. 

The initial verdict?  Plus for ease of use and setup, definite minus for the ridiculously small hard drive for a media center device (only 40GB, smaller than many iPods).

If you're a Mac-head and want to get your home network connected up to your TV for some media-sharing goodness, check out the rest of the article and wait for their follow-up full review.

on Mar 22, 2007
Just so you know, the Apple TV device is not meant to be the media center device you talk about. It is designed to stream the content, at least from what I have read. True, 40GB is tiny. But, it is first generation i-Crap, so give it a bit, The first iPods sucked, and now they ARE the digital music world.
on Mar 22, 2007
Meh to the whole thing, but I love the subtitle Zoomba...iDon't Care Anymore either.
on Mar 23, 2007
there seem to be three main sides to the whole thing. those who love iAnything, those who hate iAnything, and those smart folk who use what actually works. i have a Zune, thank you, and i still use iTunes for my music. does that make me a bad person? iDon't care either, for the record