It used to be that computers and monitors were so insanely expensive that the idea of owning more than one seemed like 100% excess and luxury. Plus, how many PCs and screens could a single person actually need at any given time? Well, costs have dropped, and the complexity of what people do with their computers is continually increasing, so people have started moving to multi-computer and multi-monitor setups. For us geeks, it's sort of a competition to have the coolest PC/monitor layout.
LifeHacker, a popular techblog, is running a story today about some of the cooler workstation setups members of their readership have. It's always fun to see what setups other people have. Here at work, I've got 2 PCs and a laptop. PC 1 has 2 19" LCDs, PC 2 has 1 17" LCD and the laptop is a 15". All of them are controlled seamlessly by the wonders of Multiplicity
Is your setup cooler than the ones shown in the article? If so, show them off here!