From time to time, members of our community get together and build something for Galactic Civilizations II that really impresses us. Sometimes it's a really cool graphics mod for the game's planetary textures, or maybe it's a pack of really well-done ship designs, but whatever it is, if it wows us, we figure it'll wow you folks too.
Today I'd like to shine a spotlight on the new Alternative Metaverse Project, AltMeta. As the name implies, the project and site is an alternative to the official Galactic Civilizations II Metaverse. It calculates scores differently and applies a different philosophy as to how players and games should be ranked. Here is a bit of description from the AltMeta about page:
The AltMeta was made to provide a different system of ranking from what the official metaverse does. As the scoring formula on the official metaverse keeps scores permanently, but uses a growing reduction factor based on the number of games you've submitted, it can be difficult for new players to break into the upper rankings, while frequent players find their games contributing less and less to their overall scores.
The AltMeta comes at the problem from a different direction, focusing primarily on activity. The scoring system is simple; every score you submit is worth its full value when you submit it, but scores are depreciated at an accelerated rate of 1/6 of their value every 30 days. And unlike the official metaverse, there is no lower limit on the value of a score; once six months have passed after you submit a score, it is devalued completely and ignored in the rankings and graphs.
The Alternative Metaverse was coded by Community Manager Kryo, with input and testing from community members AlexAtticus, DethAdder, G.W. Swicord, M.B.M, Macmatt, MarshallOneil, Mumblefratz, Quixen, Syrrus K, Thagee, TheGreatEmperor, and Vukasika. It's impressive work and these folks deserve a big round of applause for pulling this off.
Click the link below to check out the AltMeta system, and click here for the forum post describing it and how it works in greater detail.