From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Beanbags, casual clothing, air hockey... the good old days are back!
Published on July 3, 2007 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

In the late 1990s, working in the IT world was pretty cool.  Everyone was living high on the hog, demand for anyone with even the most basic computer skills was through the roof so companies had to attract talent with a combination of ridiculous salaries and crazy job perks. 

When the bubble burst, it was back to business-casual dress in more traditional companies that didn't see the point in spending tons of money on such excesses.  We weren't rockstars anymore, we were just more employees in an existing oragnization.  It was a sad day.  It wasn't cool, it wasn't edgy anymore.  It was as exciting as working for an insurance company (and trust me, insurance companies are boring places to work!).

Well, it looks like the good old days are making a comeback.  It's not being called the Dot-Com Boom this time though, this time they've called it the Web 2.0 Work Culture.  New name, same great taste!

Builderau has a story today about a recent study run by consulting firm Deloitte.  The picture they paint?  The demand for tech talent is exceeding supply again, and employers are turning to tactics of the boom to attract talent.  Drop the suit, grab the jeans and t-shirts, it's time to party again!

on Jul 10, 2007
Web 2.0 Work Culture
