The year is 1994, the World Wide Web is just two years old and NCSA Mosaic is the only browser worth using. There are only a handful of websites in existence and they're mostly links, lists and very few low-resolution images. Want news? There are only 3 or 4 news sites to pick from. It was a cleaner time, a simpler time, one where very few people yet had access, and the Internet hadn't devolved into one big spam and porn distribution channel.
Download Squad has a great video from Digital back in 1994. It's a promotional video for Digital customers educating them on the many amazing opportunities presented by this new fangled web thingymabob. It's actually kind of funny, hearing what they expected in 1994 and then comparing it to the reality in 2007. And the sites they show, they come from a time before design mattered.
Hit the link below to see the video.