From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Pigs fly, Hell gets chilly and Jobs wears a different shirt
Published on July 30, 2007 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

For years now, noted PC technology columnist John Dvorak has had nothing but pure disdain for the Macintosh platform, and Apple in general.  He didn't like the idea of the OS, the entire philosophy behind the design, and don't get him started on the one-button mouse.  Dvorak has made a bit of a career out of antagonizing particularly fanatical portions of the computing universe (he likes to poke at Linux users a lot too), but finally decided to quit his complaining and actually USE a computer he had spent so many years tearing down.

The result?  He actually liked it!  For a job he took recently, he was given the option of having a PC or a Mac, he went with a Mac, and after several months of use is ready to share his thoughts.

on Jul 30, 2007
Not the dark side!
on Jul 30, 2007
I've used both Mac and PC (granted it was years ago for the Mac now) and all I can say is many of the points he makes in the article are valid. Although my PC looks better then most Macs as far as I'm concerned hehe
on Jul 30, 2007
Hang on, I can believe the flying pigs and temperature drop in Hell. But come on, Jobs wearing a different shirt? Really? I'm not that naive.
on Jul 30, 2007
I used a Mac... I fell a like a complete retard. You can't even maximize windows. And when you actually want to do something, it's a game of chess, where you have to fool the OS, to do what you want.

ANY OS, is better then Mac OS. Mac OS has potential, but like Linux on desktop, it has a LONG LONG LONG way to go. (Linux is closer to the goal then Mac OS X)

I would guess that our dear old friend was paid by Apple to say their product is good.
on Aug 14, 2007
Dear GoddBytes #4

Yes and no to your statment.

I have been using windows since 3.11 and are currently using both Vista and XP Prp.
I am just as well using Linux, currently the Ubuntu 7.06 system, and I have had some experiences with MAC OS X.

I agree with you in that MAC OS is VERY far from being eanything we want to use dauly. But when it comes to producing something, MAC still does a good job, then again, its actually a Linux now

Well in any case, here are my experiences with the 3 OS we talk about::

Windows - Easy to use, works with everything we want it to, and good for gaming
Linux - Nice to use for those whom does not mind learning how to do most things themselves, but if you do VEEEERY nice to use.

MAC - hmm good for music pr pictures creation and editation.. but nothing else. looks good, thats just about it.

But mind you though, MAC have never proclaimed to be a HOME machine, its a PRO mashine. Problem is that the people normally using it is FAR from pro

Thats all I have to say, and please... instead of making a big drama about the differences in OS, why not see what we can use and try to combine them instead

Best Regards