Ok, so day-in and day-out you see news from me and articles from Island Dog. I bet you're eager to hear from other voices in the community (and heck, my fingers could use the break from typing!). This week, we have two articles I'd like to highlight from the community.
- SkinStudio 6 (Beta) Overview - By Quentin94
SkinStudio 6 is nearing release, and one thing that people have been looking for are tutorials or guides on how best to use this completely redesigned skinning tool. Quentin94 steps in and provides the most complete tutorial/guide to-date for SKS6.
He also added the tutorial to the WC Wiki. So if you have additions you'd like to make, you can do so here. You just need a (free) account on the wiki.
- New (Potential) series: Ask a Master - By ZubaZ
We've done featured skinners, and interviewed developers in the past. Well, instead of waiting for another interview to roll around and be posted, ZubaZ is taking it upon himself to interview his favorite Master Skinners. This article describes what he plans to do and seeks some feedback. So if you have burning questions for Master Skinners, head on over and let ZubaZ know.
Remember, if you have some great idea simmering in the back of your head for an article, be it an interview or a feature on your favorite skin or author, there's nothing holding you back. If you've got a great idea, write about it! It may even show up here on the front page for everyone to see.