From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
WindowBlinds 6 and Vista Optimized
Published on October 4, 2007 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

To go along with the launch of WindowBlinds 6, Stardock Design has been hard at work putting together some fantastic professional-quality skins for everyone here.  The best part is they're free!  You've already seen Adamant by Alexandrie.  Today we've got a new one from MikeB314!

Are you looking for a new skin that has a bit of a retro feel while showing off some of the new, fancy features of WindowBlinds 6 and Windows Vista? Well, to fill that need, MikeB314 put together Solarion, a retro skin with a new feel.  It's completely free to all users.  Enjoy!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 04, 2007
Wow!  Thanks!

Love the start menu animation!
Got really confused looking for the window close button
Miss being able to resize in any direction from any corner (upper right the most)

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! the look of the skin.  I'd buy a pack of skins in this style!  Take a look at
some of the skins from the time that time forgot.  Brilliant stuff.  And this is so reminiscent of those.
on Oct 04, 2007
Fantastic skin,I really like this a lot,reminds me a little of Intrastate by Essorant from wayback.    
on Oct 04, 2007
This one is fantastic/great, thanks Stardock for its a free one, for now they are the two graetest with the Adament one, keep up the good work.
on Oct 04, 2007
Great Skin, Great name too, congrats   
on Oct 04, 2007
Too Cool thanks
on Oct 04, 2007
It's an awesome skin, thanks alot Mike!!!!   
on Oct 04, 2007
Plain and simple with a little gusto.
on Oct 04, 2007
Mikey rocks!  

Loaded the skin a few times but have yet to see any animations .  (cept for the start button)
on Oct 04, 2007
I love this one a lot! However, any Office 2007 window with the 'orb' is an issue as the orb covers the close box on the left side...any workaround to this?
on Oct 04, 2007
I love this one a lot! However, any Office 2007 window with the 'orb' is an issue as the orb covers the close box on the left side...any workaround to this?
It's been reported.    Niel said he was looking into that skin (and Adrenaline)
on Oct 04, 2007
on Oct 04, 2007
Thnaks Mike. Go sox!   
on Oct 04, 2007
I was always afraid of what Master skins would do to the quality of free stuff and here's a great example. Mike's Optix master skin is fricken awesome, yet when it comes to time for the free stuff we get something that looks like a transparent version of an OS from the 80s. Yeah I know it's supposed to be retro, but the difference in quality here is obvious.

How about the free Molten skin they included with 6.0, great ideas poor execution. It probably serves as a good technical example but the textures used are ugly, the skin has a similar feeling to J.Js Xaphire (which is fricken awesome), only the difference in quality between the 2 is like light and day.

Welcome to the new Stardock model, find all the skinners with skill grab em up make people pay for their hard earned work and take a slice out of their pie. Leave lower quality stuff for free, but if anyone wants the high quality stuff they have to pay for it.(and Stardock gets their slice too of course) Of course high quality stuff will come out of the community too, but you bet if a skinner starts making consistently high quality stuff Stardock will snatch them up too.

Way back when I first bought my OD subscription, people made skins because they enjoyed doing it and enjoyed sharing with others. For the measly sum of the subscription I could have my pick of the latest and greatest skins. Stardock's master skins program is designed to ensure that if we want to have a high quality skin on our desktop we are going to have to pay for it, so now if I want to have the latest and greatest on my Desktop at all times you can easily end up spending as much if not more than your subscription fee on the skins alone.
on Oct 04, 2007
but if anyone wants the high quality stuff they have to pay for it

Or spend 6 years slaving away making free skins and learning the trade and make their own.
on Oct 04, 2007
Jeffrey, one way around this it to make your own high quality skins.   

Someone will correct if I'm wrong but I don't believe Stardock is making any money from the sale of Master Skins.

It is true that several of the outstanding skinners that were putting up their works in the libraries are now working for Stardock. Yes, getting paid for what they use to do for free. I don't think you would agree with me but that sounds like a pretty smart move on their part.

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