The past week or so has been a busy time in the forums with a lot of threads coming and going, some of which turned into rather epic discussions on their own. In case you've been under a rock for the last few days, here are a few of the more interesting forum threads from the last 2 or so weeks.
- Weekly Poll: Site Sponsorships
A very active debate on future ad placement on the site. It's also been incredibly civil and informative. Worth a read-through simply because the discussion is pretty interesting.
- Troll Thumping Day Suite Anyone?
Troll Thumping is a favorite hobby amongst many forum goers. Troll Thumping Day is a special day to honor that pastime. Now, how about a suite to go along with our own unique holiday?
- History repeating itself, as usual
Oh there's nothing quite like a good "My OS is better than your OS" thread.
- December Desktop Screenshots
It's always interesting to see what people are running on their home PCs.
Are there any especially interesting threads I missed out on? Share them in the comments below.