From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
You ask, they answer
Published on February 1, 2008 By Zoomba In Virtual Communities

We're back again with another set of questions asked by you, and answered by members of the WinCustomize moderation team.  Today we hear from WOM, Koasati, Zubaz, Elvee, Erk, Jafo, Starone, Quentin94 and Fuzzy Logic.

Remember to check back again next Friday for Part 3!

Question 1 -

What is the best thing about being a moderator?  The worst?  (Zubaz)

Wizop WOM
  Being able to contribute to WC.  I spend hours a day modding and watching the general forum.  The worst thing is listening to all the crying and verbal attack from people that do not get their way.
Super Wizop Koasati
  The best thing; Giving something back to the community.
The worst; Cuts into my skinning time.
Wizop starone
  The best thing about being a mod is being able to contribute.  The worst, hmmmm, I'm thinking...well, just haven't experienced a worst yet.
Sir Zubaz
  Why is it that when I reread my question as Zoomba formatted it, it looked to me that I was the worst thing about being a mod? 
The best thing for me is knowing that Stardock had enough faith in me to trust part of what they'd created to me.  I'd done a lot of growing up on these forums over the years with the help of more senior mods.  That's great too.
The worst thing for me is seeing some people piss in my house (figuratively) and not be able to beat them down like I sometimes want to.  My job is to "moderate" . . sometimes I really don't want to. 
Wizop Quentin94
  To be able to help users and others skinners and to contribute to
The worst? ... Hum... Didn't found it for now
Overseer Fuzzy Logic
  The best thing about being a mod is being in a position to have a positive impact on the site and the community.
The hardest keeping my mouth shut! I like to say what I think and sometimes say without thinking...!
Moderator elvee

The best would be to having the privilege of being a Representative of WinCustomize, helping others to the best of my ability.

I haven't had a worst yet.  

Admin Jafo

Having the opportunity to look out for everyone within the community.

The worst....wondering how often you are getting it wrong.

Wizop Erk.
  The best thing about being a moderator is being able to help out wherever possible, to keep things flowing as smoothly as I can. The worst thing? ...Spammers, and cleaning up after them. But even that's not much of a chore... 

Question 2 -

Were you surprised when you were asked to become one?  What were your thoughts?  (Zubaz)

Wizop WOM
  Yes I was suprised , shocked and happy.
Super Wizop Koasati
  Yes, very surprised. My thoughts were no doubt very similar to the ones I'm having right now....
Wizop starone
  Yes, I was definitely surprised about being asked to be a mod.  My thoughts were those of disbelief until reality hit.
Sir Zubaz
  I was flabbergasted when I was invited to join the ranks.  I really didn't think I was worthy/ready.  Jafo spent lots of time in IRC and PM helping me get settled.
Wizop Quentin94
  Truly honored and surprized that they gave me my chance to help more this wonderful site.
Overseer Fuzzy Logic
  Yes, a little. At the time I joined the team the site was in a state of change: the messageboard was an unpleasant place to be, a lot of the longer serving mods had moved on to other projects. Behind the scenes I'd exchanged quite a few e-mails about what could be done to turn things around, so I knew someone was listening, but I never expected the invitation. My first thought was at last I could help in a meaningful way. Hopefully I have.
Moderator elvee

Very much surprised.   I was totally speechless, thrilled and honored all at the same time.

Admin Jafo

Yes.  There were lots of people I could think of at the site's beginning who had been around as long as I...and would have been suited. 

Wizop Erk.

I was very surprised at being asked. My biggest goal at the time was to make it to Journeyman, so it kind of exceeded my own expectations. Like Starone, I also couldn't believe I'd been chosen ...but I'm very grateful that I was.

Question 3 -

Is it anything like you expected?  (Zubaz)

Wizop WOM
  Yes, its what I expected, having been at the site  from almost the begining and seeing what goes on.
Super Wizop Koasati
  I had previously been a mod/admin at, and, so I had a general idea of what to expect.
Wizop starone
  Was definitely nervous about the responsibility but do enjoy doing it.
Sir Zubaz
  Looking back it seemed a pretty natural extension of what I was doing as "one of the guys".  the biggest surprise for me was the way I started editing my responses.  I found myself thinking "How best to say this as a representative of Stardock and Wincustomize?"  "What response is best for the community?"  Sometimes I think that's part of Zoomba's master plan to shut me up. (Ed: It didn't seem to work...)
Wizop Quentin94
  Yes and more. Anyway thanks to the "older" mods for the help given to find my way.
Overseer Fuzzy Logic
  Hmmm, I'm not sure I knew what to expect...
Moderator elvee

Mixed on that. I knew some of the things to expect. Other things I didn't know, so I was a little nervous at first.

Admin Jafo

Yes.  I think I knew the SD crew long/well enough to know what it'd be like to be caught up in it all.

Wizop Erk.
  It was pretty much as I'd expected it to be. I'd had a little insight into it by paying attention to what the current moderators were doing. I was a little worried that I'd goof it up at first, but I got some great tips from Zoomba & Jafo [and others (thanks) ] and it all just went from there.

Question 4 -

What's the hardest thing you've had to do as a mod? (Zubaz)

Wizop WOM
  Vote on someone being demoted.  Its easy to recomend someone for promotion but to then take it away. 
Super Wizop Koasati
  Learning to bite my tounge. I tend to say what I mean, and can be to the point (blunt). I can also be a bit of a smart***......
In text format this can easily be construed as arrogance. I'm trying to do better.
Wizop starone
  Humm, the hardest thing about being a mod....not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings.
Sir Zubaz
  I have to agree with Fuzzy . . there are times when I am not able to really go off on topics that I'd like to jump in.  I've thought about creating a pseudonym but think I'd be too transparent and everyone would know it was me.  {In truth they'd just have to count the typos}
Wizop Quentin94
  I think the hardest thing should be to don't make mistakes/errors
Overseer Fuzzy Logic
  The hardest thing is probably having to distance myself from some of the most emotive topics. Sometimes I would really like to say what I think...
Moderator elvee

Ha ha!   Hoping not to mess up.  

Admin Jafo

I had a 'wee drama' on the Forums.....a 'clever' individual was being an arse and it was actually impossible to sort it or him 'easily' I shut down the forums totally - pulled the plug.  I wasn't even sure at the time I was supposed to be able to...but I'd found this nice neat 'off' I used it.  Probably ten/twenty minutes later....caught up with Frogboy...and between the two of us we cleaned up the mess.

Wizop Erk.
  The hardest thing? ... Diplomacy. Sometimes, in certain situations, you feel like you could 'tear someone [read: spam posters] a new one' ...but commonsense prevails mostly. I always re-read everything before I post it ~in the hopes that I'm conveying the message correctly. It's a rare thing that you have to come down on anyone anyway, these days.

Question 5 -

Is the job rewarding to you?  (HG_Eliminator)

Wizop WOM
  Yes it is rewarding, being able to directly help the site I love and the people.  Interacting with people that I've known for years and to meet some new one.
Super Wizop Koasati
  Yes, I enjoy helping, and WC is where most of my cyber-family hangs out.
Wizop starone

Yes, it is rewarding.

Sir Zubaz
  I get so much out of being a part of this commnity that if I had to step down as a mod it'd be fine.  But the truth is that I'd like to think I help make WC a better place.  This place holds my closest friends, keeping it on an even keel with the rest of the mods is a thrill I wouldn't likely trade.
Wizop Quentin94
  Yes, really rewarding. Definitively loving it
Overseer Fuzzy Logic
  Absolutely. I wouldn't swap the job for anything. Making a contibution to something so worthwhile is the biggest reward anyone could have.
Moderator elvee

Very rewarding! Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Admin Jafo

Yes.  Though with me being 14 to 16 hours out of whack with the US ...I have a quite odd daily timetable - very odd sleeping sexlife ... 

Even my cat complains....she's doing it right now....1.00 am, Sunday morning as I type this .... having spent 10 hours today house-building - not the cat, - me...

Wizop Erk.
  I definitely enjoy it ...I get to see the newest stuff before most others do, and as I've said many times ...we have an awesome community here now. It makes it fun to do, and that's rewarding enough in itself.

on Feb 01, 2008
There are times I wish you guys WOULD be less 'pleasant'.  
on Feb 02, 2008

We'll remember that, next time you submit something IR


on Feb 02, 2008
There are times I wish you guys WOULD be less 'pleasant'.

Up yours!! ...............How's that?

on Feb 02, 2008
ZubaZ beats IRB with an ugly stick.  (But who'll notice really?)
on Feb 03, 2008
I didnt mean to ME.  
on Feb 04, 2008