From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands

From the guys who brought you Samurize comes Cairo, a new Desktop Shell Replacement for Microsoft Windows.

The goal with Cairo is to "transform your desktop from the dated Windows user-interface to a brand new system that will change the way you use your computer forever."  Pretty ambitious stuff, but looking at the concept work and screenshots they've released so far, it's at least going to be a damn pretty custom shell!

Cairo is rapidly approaching Milestone 1, and they've selected their first batch of testers.  Keep an eye on this project though as it looks very promising.  Hopefully it'll be easy to skin...

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 03, 2008
No one outside of the dev team has the app yet it looks like, so not many people can comment on what it does better.  But like most alternative shells, I'm guessing the advantage is just a different way to interface with your PC.  
on Mar 03, 2008
But like most alternative shells, I'm guessing the advantage is just a different way to interface with your PC.
Different for different's sake is cool enough I guess.  But give me "improved UI becuase of X" or "faster becuase of Y" or "Spellcheck that even Zubaz could use" if you want me to use it. 
on Mar 03, 2008

"Spellcheck that even Zubaz could use"

There isn't one...

Alternate shells is always fun....often gives more scope to how different things can get....and customizing is all about personal choices, not merely function or speed or any singular feature...just the choice itself...

on Mar 03, 2008
I agree with Zubaz that it has to be better, but really it's too soon to tell exactly what it will do. People use different shells for different reasons. Vista is begging for something lighter, so if it can deliver on that... but who knows it doesn't really say on their site what their specific project goals are. Still I am sure they are not doing it just to do it, but do think that there is a need. Now if they would just release a little more info...
on Mar 06, 2008
it looks like a mac theme:) but it's nice though
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