From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
The penguin appears to be popular
Published on May 5, 2008 By Zoomba In WinCustomize News

While I know just about everyone who visits this web site primarily uses Windows for one reason or another, I was wondering if folks had any alternative OS preferences.  Just to see what else the community might be running on their PCs. 

The results weren't all that surprising (to me at least).  The single largest block of votes was for Windows-Only, with Linux coming in a very close second.  A few of you use MacOS, and an almost non-existent group are still on old-fashioned UNIX.

Did the results actually surprise anyone?

on May 05, 2008
I don't think this Poll question will surprise anyone.   
on May 05, 2008
I don't think this Poll question will surprise anyone.

agreed and also i think the poll itself was misleading. The question was what "Do You Ever Use A Non-Windows Operating System?", which should have been a straight yes and no answer, but i understand the need to be a little more in-depth. The choices should have been different because the questions were more like what OS do you use or prefer. I put Windows only because 95% of the time i use windows. because i couldn't put Mac-OS because I really don't like it though i used it, so if to say i wear turtlenecks and jeans would assume that i use Mac-OS and thats all i use, in fact all the answer were aimed at "I only use this."
but hey this is just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions
on May 05, 2008
Don't forget that the results of this poll will be misleading. There was (as I commented when the poll came out last week) no "all of the above" choice, or similar choice to indicate more than one alternate OS. I personally am a HUGE VMware user, and have many virtual machines in many flavors of MS products, Linux variations, FreeBSD, OSX, and others. So to view the results of the poll that "Linux coming in a close second" may be skewed, as Zoomba requested the main/most used alternate OS, but that isn't necessarily the whole picture.
on May 05, 2008
Anyone looking at these polls as anything other than a conversation started is looking WAY too hard.

I use my Apple ][c as often as I use my Mac G4 with OSX and Ubuntu . . . once a month to make sure they work. 
on May 05, 2008

First, I'll admit the question was poorly worded, but folks still seemed to get the general idea.

Secondly, I get the feeling people are reading far too much into this last poll question.  Similar to the comment on the original thread criticizing the poll for having an obvious Windows bias.  This is a Windows site, and the polls aren't deep and accurate.  They're 1 question posted for a week.

These polls aren't scientific.  They're also not trying to paint a comprehensive picture.  To get a complete picture of OS usage of our users, I would have to issue a complete survey, with multiple questions carefully worded to not influence answers.  I would then have to do some actual analysis of the results beyond simple % values.  Sorry, but figuring the margin of error on these things is probably not worth the time.

The polls are here to spark some conversation, and give at least a partial idea of what the community thinks about a topic, or what they use on their home PCs

on May 06, 2008
Yes, let's spin those results. A vote for "OS of choice" gives you that "fact" that majority of the people visiting this site prefer to use an OS other than Windows. LOL
on May 06, 2008
Since this is a customization site, I'm not surprised at the results - there's not much that can be done in the way of customization with a Mac, in my frustrated experience. As it is, I'm using Litestep on my WinVista.