From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands

It's been hinted at, we've made a few references to it here and there, but for the most part things have been pretty quiet regarding the 2008 GUI Champs.  We said we'd be back in 2008, and we've begun work in the background to prepare for the latest edition of the biggest skinning competition on the Internet.

Today, a bit on what we're thinking of for the new GUI Champs website.  It's all up in the air still, but I wanted to share some of the design ideas with the community first to get some feedback.  No details yet on the specific events, sponsors or when we're kicking the event off though.  Just talk about what we are going to try and accomplish with the new site.

Oh, did I mention that the 2008 GUIC site is going to be a test run for features and ideas we want to bring over to WinCustomize in the version 6 update?

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