Have you ever downloaded a skinning product, a Stardock Game, or any MyColors theme? Then you have benefited from the work of probably one of our least well-known but most important people here at Stardock: Kris Kwilas, VP of Technology. You might know him as Nakor on the forums or IRC and have probably seen him dolling out support help here and there. Virtually every product we've released, every site we've launched, every server we've deployed has been worked on in the last ten years was touched in some way by Kris. We're pretty sure that without him, this whole thing would have imploded on itself years ago!
Today we're celebrating his 10th Anniversary here at Stardock! Yes, that's right, he's been here cursing at servers, pulling together releases at the last minute and generally managing to keep everything running while balancing three spinning plates on poles and juggling at the same time for a full decade now!
Congrats on 10 years, and here's to 10 more!