It's summer here in the northern hemisphere, which means that the PC game releases have dried up. Looking across the new release calendars, it's a wasteland until Space Siege comes out late August. So for the next two months PC gamers are looing for any fix they can get to tide them over.
Of course, that two month dry spell could well be worth it considering what's on-tap for the fall.
My question is, what's everyone playing to tide theselves over, and what are you most looking forward to this fall?
Here are a few of the more major titles releasing this fall for the PC*
- Space Siege
- Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway
- Borderlands
- LEGO Batman
- Tiberium
- Spore
- Crysis Warhead
- Warhammer Online
- Project Origin
- Far Cry 2
- Fallout 3
- Dead Space
- Ghostbusters
- Red Alert 3
- World of Warcraft: Rise of the Litch King
*-Based on's current estimates.
Personally, I'm playing very little at the moment. Spending my free time out and about, enjoying the weather. For what I'm most looking forward to: Spore, Fallout 3, Red Alert 3, Ghostbusters.