The Hunt For That First Real Job - Part One
Once the euphoria of actually having made it through college has passed and you've received that little piece of paper certifying that you are a smart person, the reality of life begins to set in. The main question most people seem to be facing at this point is "What am I going to do with the rest of my life" and another of more immediate concern "Where am I going to find a job?" For me, I'm currently ignoring the first question as it seems too soon to try and figure something that major out as I need more time to find my footing in the "real world" (as my professors always referred to it as, as if it were some mystical realm which they thought we should be frightened by). However, the second question is a little more pressing as it encompasses things like money, which pays for health and car insurance, as well as my rather expensive computing habit. As I graduated from PSU with a degree in Info Sci. & Tech (minor in IT Telecom), the job market for me at this moment in time is a little shaky, but with some work and the help of friends I think I'll be able to overcome that soon enough. The point of this blog entry is to start recording my job hunt process, to keep record of where I've tried, who has at least interviewed me, and where I believe my best chances to be.
Where I've Applied To-Date:
-Lockheed Martin
-Merril Lynch
-Penn State (multiple positions)
-Lurhq *
* Indicates places I've actually had an interview with.
I've had friends and relatives trying to help me out by looking for positions with their companies and with companies in their area (Washington D.C., Chicago, Myrtle Beach), but with the exception of one, nothing has come out of that.
My best chance right now is with Lurhq, a network security company with whom I've had an interview with and am now just waiting for a response indicating what is next in the process (rejection, or further interviews etc...).
Since the world is on break it seems until the 5th, I've taken a short break from my job hunt to relax and enjoy the holidays, but starting Monday, it'll be time to hit HotJobs and with a vengance in search of that starting job, what I need to get my foot in the door of the IT industry.