From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
When it rains, it pours
Published on January 14, 2004 By Zoomba In Misc
Every time things in life seem to be going poorly, there's always some annoying friend who has an unnaturally up-beat attitude about life and feels the need to force it on all the poor unfortunate grumpy people around them. They'll offer helpful comments like "Well, it's not so bad, you could have " or "It'll get better sooner or later"/"Good things come to those who wait" It's like listening to a modified version of your parents when they tried to instill virtues such as patience and manners. There's nothing like some unfailingly cheerful friend to really get under your skin when you're in a right and propper foul mood. The temptation often is to find some inventive way to make the friend "disappear".

There's nothing like hearing "Good things come to those who wait" when you're in the middle of a crisis of sorts and don't want to suffer through the crap to get to the good. Usually you think there's no way in hell it'll get better, or if it does, it'll be so slow that the change will be unnoticable. Well, turns out they're right, and you're wrong. Eventually things do go right, and as is the case with everything else in life, it's never at a slow pace so it's easy to handle or appreciate... oh no, it comes all at once, in a heap of good fortune that is simply overwhelming....

Here's the background:
I graduated from college just a few weeks ago, and I had been working on the job hunt for several months with no responses, no interviews, no indication that my stuff ever made it to where it was going aside from auto-confirmation emails. I had friends combing companies in their areas for me, asking their bosses if they had anything open, and just about everything dried up. So, here I was, a college graduate with NO job prospects whatsoever, moving back in with my parents. Then, the day I move home, my computer completely fries itself (see prev entry) and I have to order a new one. So I'm back home with my parents, with no job lined up, and now I was forced to use my mom's PC, on a dial-up connection. This, ladies and gentlemen, is my hell. It was like life was reverting back to my pre-college days, it was pure pain.

So let's jump forward to this week...
Here's what happened to me Tuesday morning:
-My best friend asks me to be the best man for his wedding in May. I'm shocked and honored. This alone would have marked the day as a good one
-I get an email from the company I've had a few interviews with, they want to fly me down to them for an in-person interview and a tour of the facilities.
-My new PC arrives
-The cable guy shows up and hooks me up for broadband
-I get a visit from a friend I haven't seen in several months

Monday Morning:
-A department at PSU calls me about interviewing with them for a job I applied for 2 months ago
-Flights are booked for my trip to South Carolina next week

It seems like in just a 24hr period, everything is turning around for me. I have an excellent job prospect, my PC is back, I have fast internet, and I'm getting out of the house and traveling south for the better part of next week. Good stuff does come to those who wait, you just have to wait a really long time and give up on looking a bit.
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