How would YOU change the Democratic Party's approach?
In 2000 the Democrats ran a decent campaign and the results were very very close. If you discard the recount debacle, they were actually pretty reasonable throughout.
In 2004 the Democrats ran a dismal campaign. The entire platform was "We hate Bush!" which while an alright sentiment to hold, it was the entirety of their position, they offered nothing new. They brought in people like Moore and shrill Hollywood types to scream, stomp and gnash teeth.
Bush won largely because the Democrats ran one of the worst campaigns ever. A large rock could have beaten Kerry if given the chance. While the win was clear, it was still close when it came to the voter numbers, and there were enough people in the middle that might have swung to the left if Kerry had SAID anything instead of just "I'm not Bush!". A competent campaign on the Dem side probably would have won in the last election.
So things are up in the air for 2008. Bush can't run again so the screamers in the Democratic Party won't have an easy target. It's all up for grabs in 3 years time, and there isn't a clear idea of who from either side might be running. For the sake of comedy and a hell of a furious debate, I'd like to see Rice vs Clinton, that would be fun
If you were given the chance to run the democratic campaign in 2008, what sorts of tactical direction would you take? What mistakes would you avoid? What weaknesses in the Republican Party would you target?
This one is open to people on either side of the political spectrum. I'd like to hear what Democrats think they did wrong and how they could do better next time. I'd also like to hear from the conservatives here on what they percieve some of the weak links in their own armor might be and how they think the Dems could hit them there, play devils advocate to your own beliefs for a bit, it could be interesting.
1. No Bush bashing... 2008 has NOTHING to do with Bush... leave it go
2. No Party bashing... Do not insult people who disagree with you or write off entire political parties as "dumb" "greedy" "looney" or whatever.