From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
The Saga is Complete, 12:03am EDT
Published on May 18, 2005 By Zoomba In Blogging
Ok, tickets for the midnight showing at my local theater for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith went on sale this morning. Prior to today it looked like they had simply already sold out, when reality was they weren't for sale yet! I have my tickets ordered now, so I'll pick them up after work and line up later tonight with all my other fellow geeks.

I was bummed when it looked like I wasn't going to be able to get to the midnight showing. I've been to the midnight shows of every SW film since the rereleases in 1997 (Sorry, I was 2 years old when Jedi hit theaters, the original screenings were a bit before my time) and the thought of having to WAIT until the next day for the final installment was really dragging on my geeky brain. But now I have them, my journey shall soon be complete

It's funny how this little thing has totally made my day!

Oh, and I had already preordered tickets for an evening showing on Thursday since I thought that was the earliest I'd be able to go... guess I'll just have to go and see it again tomorrow then

Ok... I'm done geeking out... at least for the next 5 minutes...

*makes Vader breathing sounds* ...
Where's my lightsaber?

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 18, 2005

(Sorry, I was 2 years old when Jedi hit theaters, the original screenings were a bit before my time)

You are a Baby!

Enjoy it!  I will probably see it this weekend.  I have seen all of them as well, after they were out a few weeks!  I love the series, but I am a patient person.

on May 18, 2005
Honestly, the line is part of the whole experience for me. Even on the crappy Ep1 and 2, the line and the atmosphere is just so much fun it makes up for a bad movie. There's just something about being in a theater filled with people who are as excited about the film as you are... it makes the whole thing a lot more enjoyable.

And yeah, I'm kinda a young wippersnapper around here... definitely a more... *ahem* "experienced" crowd at this site
on May 18, 2005
I've got the tickets for the midnite showing tonite in my hometown. And I'm not a baby when it comes to the series. I remember my dad taking me to see the original when I was 7 years old, and then me being able to take my son for the re-release about 5 years ago.

on May 18, 2005

You nerd. NERD! I shall be changing the topic in #joeuser to reflect this.

on May 18, 2005
I proudly wear the title of Nerd... I consider it to be a sort of higher calling

Jealous you are, of me I think [/yoda]
on May 18, 2005
You are so right!! Anyone who was ever a fan of a film that reaches cult status enjoys the energy, spirit and (ok I'll say it) just plain geekiness of the whole exerience.

Audience participation makes the difference between a flatscreen ful of images and a room full of excitement!

Man I miss the whole "midnight movie" thing!!

Enjoy watching Ani become the ultimate scum of the universe!
on May 18, 2005
This is going to be exciting! Oh, and Cordelia, remember, the bible says 'the geek shall inherit the earth'

The only thing that sucks about it is trying to go to work the next morning..

on May 18, 2005
I'm probably going to be "sick" tomorrow
on May 18, 2005
I think the correct phrase is "the meek shall inherit the Earth, and the rest of us will go to the stars" (which means the geeks and nerds of course).
on May 18, 2005
10 hours, 32 minutes (as of 1:33 pm, CST) to go
on May 18, 2005
3pm EDT... 9hrs to go This day is going by sooooo slooooowwwww

*plays with the SW action figures in his cube more... making lightsaber sounds under his breath so no one can hear*
on May 18, 2005
We aren't doing the midnight showing this time. I can remember standing in a long line in Pampa, TX with a group all sorts of costumes and playing (I'm not kidding) "magic" card games on the side walk. I actually fell asleep during one of the movies and missed a whole bunch of stuff.

Meh. We'll go to a matinee tomorrow or Friday. There'll still be plenty of dorks to point and laugh at then.
on May 18, 2005
Don't laugh at us dorks... we're the ones that keep the entire world from crumbling around you
on May 18, 2005
And yeah, I'm kinda a young wippersnapper around here... definitely a more... *ahem* "experienced" crowd at this site

hey! I represent that remark!

have a great time. I hate lines, period! I fandango when it is opening weekend, so I dont have to wait in them!
on May 18, 2005
I proudly wear the title of Nerd... I consider it to be a sort of higher calling

Jealous you are, of me I think [/

At least in that, we are the same! nerd dont bother me no more! I am one, and all my aunts and uncles (and in laws) call me first with computer problems! I have 2 computers sitting by my desk now that need work!

Say it loud, and say it Proud! Nerds R US!
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