From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Zoomba's Articles In Philosophy
February 6, 2004 by Zoomba
This is inspired by a LiveJournal post one of my friends made last night and one of the responses someone made to it. Here at Penn State, we have a Distinguished Speaker series where we get people ranging from Ben Stein, to Danny Glover, to F. W. De Klerk. Last night it was Maya Angelou, and while I stayed in to avoid the bad weather we've been having, one of my friends managed to make it out and came back positively glowing. Here's a few select lines from her entry: She told us that adul...
April 27, 2005 by Zoomba
All the time we wish we could go back and do something over, say something different or act differently given what you know now that you didn't know then. Most people feel they would do MUCH better in life if they could just take the knowledge and experience they have now and give to themselves at some earlier point in their lives. Typically it's when they started College, that seems to be the magical cut-off or age they wish they could impart knowledge and wisdom to. So, if you went...