This race has been horrible. Absolutely dismal. The democratic party managed to run its campaign straight into the ground, and then beat itself over the head repeatedly with bricks. The press didn't help matters much by making it completely and utterly obvious that they were trying to stack the race in favor of Kerry. I don't think we've ever had a campaign this poorly managed across the board. Kerry added to the circus by flip-flopping his position once he got the Dem nomination. As a ...
Some time ago I wrote about the use of epic, far-reaching stories in video games to create a truely unique and lasting experience. How it is the inclusion of a good and well thought-out story that makes a game really stand out and shine. But after giving the matter some more thought I realized that I was only touching on half of the equation. A story is all well and good, but it's empty and meaningless unless it is given the proper context, a believable and interesting world for it to resi...
Do No Evil. The corporate motto of Google. Seems like a good basic operating rule for any person or company. But how much should we trust what they say? Let's look at the main service offerings from Google. All of which are tied together by their search technology. Google Web Search - What we all know and love from google. Widely considered the most popular and functional web search utility out there, most people connect Google directly with the idea of searching for information, G...
Lots of people blog daily on this site... I visit and read articles at least 2-3 times daily if I can manage it. Some of the stuff here is excellent, some is paranoid dribbling. And some of it is completely useless... the sort of stuff that adds no value or content to the site (I rank online diaries higher than the following blogger types simply because diary writers at least are putting thought behind what they're writing). Linkers, Spammers and Article Reposters. It started with blogs...
Swift Boat Veterans For Truth.... The CBS Document Fraud.... Bush's National Guard Scandal. All a load of irrellevant BULLSHIT. Who cares who did what over 30 years ago? Look back on your own lives, if you're old enough glance back at the person you were 30 years ago and some of the things you did that you wish you hadn't given your current knowledge and wisdom. If you're not old enough, just look back to the things you did in High School or College. How many here can say they didn't d...
Doom 3 (PC) id Software , Official Release Aug. 3rd, 2004 Introduction id Software is the grandfather of the First Person Shooter genre. They're also the pioneers of PC 3D graphics, always pushing the envelope of what the home computer is capable of in terms of increasingly realistic computer graphics. The Doom games hold a very special place in the hearts of gamers...
Brad and other gods of JU, please find it in your hearts to give us the ability to filter blogs so we NEVER see their articles! After Diamond-d's recent spam fest, and similar acts by other bloggers, it's getting harder and harder to find the interesting articles on here. They're all burried under a wave of crap because someone wants to get a higher score or user rank. PLEASE let me filter these morons from my sight!
I've seen all of these "free XYZ if you refer X people" offer sites before, but I've never actually given one a shot. I'm curious now if this one is real at all. The deal is refer a bunch of people to the site and you get a free iPod. So, if you have a spam mail account (like hotmail) or something you can toss into this sign-up form, it'd be appreciated. I'd like to see how this all works out. If you do sign-up, leave a comment below saying so... Here's the link http://www.freeiPo...
Last night I saw an interesting Japanese film on campus called Afterlife , the idea is that when you die you go to this large building and you are assigned to a worker. What you have to do is select one memory from your life that is the most happy/meaningful/important to you. You have three days to consider your memories and then select one and describe it in detail to your worker. The next two days are spent creating a film recreation of that memory. The deal though is that this is the ...
Note: I wrote this in a notebook while sitting in a hotel room in Rochester, IN this past Friday (6/25) after having driven 9hrs from central PA for a job interview. Some of the questions have been resolved/decided on since I wrote this and made another 9hr drive back home on Saturday. Today, I felt inspired by TV... yes, me, the guy who watches TV perhaps 4hrs a week. I don't mean one of those life-changing inspirational moments, and the line itself wasn't even all that stellar or or...
Weblogs, refered to often simply as "Online Journals" (to avoid confusing the less technically literate among us) have become a huge craze in recent years as everyone and their brother, aunt, second cousin and dog have started to use them. Look around you in the average HS or Univ campus computer lab, or in the nearby netcafe, chances are a few people are either writing in, their own or reading someone elses weblog. Politicians, movie stars and television personalities have gotten in on the...
I haven't seen any new articles posted at all today and the recent forum posts list doesn't seem to be updating properly... Is it dead here or are we getting some glitches?
Go to any online forum dedicated to the subject of love, dating or relationships and you'll undoubtedly run across a decent number of self described geeks lamenting the fact that they can't meet anyone, that they can't find a partner that matches them in terms of personality, intelligence or preferences. We all call ourselves “nice guys” and groan about “finishing last”. We all have this ideal of the girl we want, for me it goes something like this: -Must be geeky... Non-geeks don't te...
Six months after graduating from college I'm still looking for a job. Combine the fact that I'm not a programmer by any means and I'm a new grad coming into a terrible IT job market, and it's little surprise that I'm still out there beating the bushes. I've had a few good leads, several interviews and follow-up interviews and I've come within inches of a really good net security gig that fell through at the last second due to internal corporate issues. In the past 6 months I've developed a...