We are aware of the intermittent issues users are experienceing with downloads at the moment. The problem is currently being addressed and should be resolved soon. Until then, you may be unable to download certain skins, seemingly at random. We have also placed a hold on submission moderation until the problem has been fixed. It's expected that any items in the queue will be addressed by the end of Saturday. Additionally, maintenance work will be done on the Wiki this af...
RightClick is an app that is often overlooked by many skinners and owners of Object Desktop, but for those who have given it a whirl, it quickly becomes absolutely indispensable as a productivity tool. But on top of being incredibly useful, it can be skinned too, so not only is it useful, but stylish as well. The RightClick gallery here at WinCustomize is a pretty busy place, and if you haven't checked it out yet, you definitely should to see what you're missing out on. Here are a...
All week we've been hearing and watching news reports of the wildfires ravaging southern California, with firefighters struggling to contain it. We also know that there are many here in the WinCustomize community that either live in the area, or have friends and family who do. On behalf of the staff here at WinCustomize/Stardock, I hope that everyone stays safe and that your homes are spared. For all of those affected, please drop a line on this thread to keep us up to dat...
Group projects are always a blast since they combine the skills and strengths of multiple skinners to make something that's truly fantastic. After the success of such projects as Citrium and the Halloween Skin project, the community has a new theme for everyone to enjoy: Harmony. So far there's no WindowBlinds skin, but there are skins for RightClick, Rainlendar, Xion, CursorXP, LogonStudio, ObjectDock, BootSkin and a few wallpapers. ...
More or less the recognized authority on theme matched docks here in the WinCustomize community, WebGizmos is hard at work on yet more killer docks built specifically to go along with some of the most popular themes on the site. I spoke with him via IRC a little bit this afternoon and he shared with me a few previews of what he's currently working on. He was kind enough to give me permission to pass these along to you as well. First, there's his work on a matching dock to go along...
We really want WinCustomize to become a place folks come to not only for skins, icons and gadgets, but wallpapers too. Of course, the best way to encourage high-quality walls, is to recognize them when they are submitted. So, today I wanted to share with you a few of what I think are the best wallpapers we've had submitted to WinCustomize lately. If you're an aspiring wallpaper artist, you should look carefully at these to see what makes them so successful. ...
Last night, resident trickster and guerilla marketer Island Dog put proverbial pen to paper and turned out two great walkthroughs of recent WinCustomize products; the Rest in Peace Suite and the WinCustomize Toolbar. If you were curious about the contents/function of either you should check out both of these excellent articles. Rest in Peace Walkthrough WC Toolbar Walkthrough Also last night, to go along with the release of the Magic Suite, Frogboy posted his own tour of possib...
WinCustomize Live is an idea we're pretty excited about at the moment, as you can probably tell by the numerous news postings we've made in the last week or so on the topic. As we work on getting all the technical bits hammered out, we're starting to think towards content that's both simple to produce, and interesting to the community. What could we put on camera that would be interesting enough to get you to watch? We've got a few ideas already, but I'm interested in hearing wha...
One of the less-visited galleries at WinCustomize is the Avatar gallery, where artists can upload their pieces of mini art designed to be used as forum or IM avatars. In the last few weeks, one of our skinners has gone nuts and created dozens of avatars for users to pick from, and they're pretty good! Hog56 has stepped up to the plate and decided to make the Avatars gallery his own by submitting a dominating 30 avatars in the last 7 days! Check out some of his best submissions:
Three weeks back, we launched the WinCustomize Toolbar to the community. It was our first in a line of new experimental services we're looking to offer the community. Now that everyone has had some time with it, and we've worked a bit to iron out some of the kinks, I'd like to renew the discussion, and share a little bit of insight into why we've launched this toolbar initiative. Another way to reach our users For me, the most valuable aspect of the toolbar is the ability t...
It's weekly poll time again! Last week we launched a new experiment of sorts here on the site; WinCustomize Live , a live video stream from Stardock to the WinCustomize community. It hasn't been anything too formal yet, just Brad and myself goofing around with the camera over the end of last week and this past weekend. The idea is to have a regularly scheduled bit where we field questions from the community live, and maybe talk about what we're working on for the site and wha...
Last week, I floated the idea of bringing back the WinCustomize annual CD compilations and wanted to get everyone's input on whether or not it would be a worthwhile effort. While it wasn't the run-away margin I was hoping for, it looks like there is definite interest in us reviving the long dormant CD package. Here's the pretty picture I was surprised that so many people voted "no" personally. If you voted for "No" would you mind sharing your thoughts on the matter?&n...
Another weekend come and gone, and now it's back to the daily grind of the work week. Well, I want to start things off on a high note for everyone by highlighting some of what think is the coolest content uploaded to WinCustomize over the weekend. It's a real hodge-podge of goodies too, as we've had killer stuff in a bunch of different categories. Love's Dying Embers BoXXi SD Sidebar Clock Vad_M Harmony for RightC...
Ever wonder what the folks here at Stardock are actually doing during the day? How about on the weekend? Are we working hard or hardly working? Well, now you can see for yourself! We're running an experiement here at Stardock/WinCustomize. We've taken a webcam, hooked into the ustream.tv service, and are streaming video live from the office to anyone who wants to watch. The stream has actually been running most of yesterday and all day today. Folks who hit up...
Island Dog is back again this week with another installment of the ever-popular "This Week in Skinning" series. This week we've got cursors, icons, wallpapers, a WindowBlinds skin, and a gadget to watch our test live video feed here at the Stardock office. Hit the link below for the full list of great skins submitted this week!