From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Zoomba's Articles In WinCustomize News » Page 35
May 9, 2008 by Zoomba
With the launch this week of DeskScapes 2.0 , a lot of people who didn't previously have access to animated wallpapers (i.e. non Ultimate Vista users) might be wondering what the big deal is, and probably want to take the app for a spin themselves before deciding whether or not to spend the $20 on the stand-alone product (hey, it's bundled in with Object Desktop ). To help you out, Island Dog has put together a very detailed breakdown of the free preview version of DeskScapes 2.0, lettin...
May 9, 2008 by Zoomba
For years now, the Help section at WinCustomize has been pretty lacking.  For the last two site revisions it's just been a bulleted list of links to product pages or long outdated tutorials and documentation.  With the number of new users seeking support and assistance growing at an increasing pace, the time has come for a complete redesign of the page. To that end, I've spend the last few days working on a new Help page that is hopefully a bit more "helpful" than what we current...
May 9, 2008 by Zoomba
TGIF everyone!  Since the end of the week is upon us, it's time once again for Island Dog to round up some of the week's most notable skins. This week, there's a cursor theme, icon pack, logon, dock background, two wallpapers and a WindowBlinds skin!  Check them out, download a few and let the artists know how much you love their work!
May 8, 2008 by Zoomba
We don't often talk about MyColors skins here, or the artists behind them.  We especially don't do a very good job showing off their work and recognizing the outstanding degree of artistry of the skins, icons, wallpapers etc.  This is a real shame considering they're all members of the community. So today, I'd like to show off some absolutely fantastic icons by none other than PixelPirate himself!  These go to five of our upcoming MyColors Inspired Themes.  I think they st...
May 8, 2008 by Zoomba
Every month, I ask the moderators here at WinCustomize to pick out their favorite skins from the previous month.  Here are the picks for April 2008. Trader Harbour AlexMorgan "Clean.  Watch the little men walking on the right side of the house.  Great dream." - WOM Organic Xiandi "The cursor (and iconpack it's based on) have such wonderful aesthetics.  It captures exactly what I thought it should when I read the titl...
May 7, 2008 by Zoomba
Stardock is excited to announce the release of WindowBlinds 6.1 today.  WindowBlinds is the easiest, and safest way to change the complete look and feel of both Windows Vista and XP by applying one of thousands of visual styles that are available. These visual styles can change just about every element of the Windows user interface from the Start menu, task bar, title bar, push buttons, scrollbars, and nearly everything else in Windows. The WindowBlinds 6.1 update is available to curr...
May 7, 2008 by Zoomba
Island Dog is back again with another video walkthrough to help you get the most out of your skinning tools.  This time it's a more in-depth video showing you how to change cursor sets, apply effects, trails and recolor cursors. If you haven't delved too far into the innards of CursorFX yet, give this video a look.
May 7, 2008 by Zoomba
Yes, I know it's Wednesday and I'm just now posting the poll thread for the week.  And I'm also aware that the poll has in fact been up for a full day already.  There are very good reasons for all of this, I assure you.  With all the announcements and major news going on the last two days, I didn't want the big "VOTE NOW" button to be lost in the chaos.  I also wanted to give people a day or so for the news to sink in. So by now you've no doubt read about the fantabulous...
May 6, 2008 by Zoomba
After months of testing, today Stardock is proud to release DeskScapes 2.0 !  Now, all Windows Vista users can enjoy animated wallpapers on their PC without having to shell out hundreds of dollars for Windows Vista Ultimate. DeskScapes 2.0 brings video and dynamic Dreams to all Vista Users.  If you're new to DeskScapes today with 2.0, then you have over 600 Dreams to choose from !  These range from fantastic 3D rendered scenes by community members such as TheMasterBaron, to ...
May 6, 2008 by Zoomba
For years now, a WinCustomize subscription primarily allowed you to browse the site completely ad-free, gave you fully access to the Skin Browser, and every now and then a free skin from Stardock.  In recent months, we've been talking about how to change the site subscription model to make it a better value to users, with the goal obviously to encourage more people to subscribe and support the site.  So today I'm happy to announce a transformation in the WinCustomize Subscriptio...
May 5, 2008 by Zoomba
This week we get dangerously close to the 30 minute mark as we take on topics such as the latest Master Skin, the demise of the GUI Champs wallpaper event and upcoming changes to the WinCustomize Subscription plan.  Joining us this week on the show is Zubaz, site moderator and long-time community member.  This is without a doubt our best show so far as we get a feel for how to record the show and what's needed to prepare . Remember, you can subscribe to us via iTunes and receive u...
May 5, 2008 by Zoomba
While I know just about everyone who visits this web site primarily uses Windows for one reason or another, I was wondering if folks had any alternative OS preferences.  Just to see what else the community might be running on their PCs.  The results weren't all that surprising (to me at least).  The single largest block of votes was for Windows-Only, with Linux coming in a very close second.  A few of you use MacOS, and an almost non-existent group are still on old-fashio...
May 5, 2008 by Zoomba
Wow the weekend flew by fast!  Feels like I spent most of it doing spring cleaning and running errands though.  Can I have another day off please?  Well, despite hoping earnestly for another day on the weekend, it's Monday and here we all are, at work or school (or skipping).  Over the weekend, while we were all out cleaning/playing/not working many folks were still here uploading their skinning masterpieces.  Here are some of my favorites from the weekend: ...
May 2, 2008 by Zoomba
Today is Island Dog day.  After putting together his monthly Dream montage he went though the gallery in search of the greatest skins posted over the last seven or so days.  As always, he digs up some really cool stuff that you might not have noticed otherwise.
May 2, 2008 by Zoomba
With April now over, Island Dog pulled together some of the best dreams of the month and cut them up into a video montage for your viewing pleasure.  There's a great selection this month to check out so hit the link below to watch the video. My favorite is probably Sunny Beach by Alex Morgan.