From technology to politics to video games; these are the random thoughts of a geek with too much time on his hands
Zoomba's Articles In WinCustomize News » Page 38
May 6, 2008 by Zoomba
For years now, a WinCustomize subscription primarily allowed you to browse the site completely ad-free, gave you fully access to the Skin Browser, and every now and then a free skin from Stardock.  In recent months, we've been talking about how to change the site subscription model to make it a better value to users, with the goal obviously to encourage more people to subscribe and support the site.  So today I'm happy to announce a transformation in the WinCustomize Subscriptio...
May 5, 2008 by Zoomba
This week we get dangerously close to the 30 minute mark as we take on topics such as the latest Master Skin, the demise of the GUI Champs wallpaper event and upcoming changes to the WinCustomize Subscription plan.  Joining us this week on the show is Zubaz, site moderator and long-time community member.  This is without a doubt our best show so far as we get a feel for how to record the show and what's needed to prepare . Remember, you can subscribe to us via iTunes and receive u...
May 5, 2008 by Zoomba
While I know just about everyone who visits this web site primarily uses Windows for one reason or another, I was wondering if folks had any alternative OS preferences.  Just to see what else the community might be running on their PCs.  The results weren't all that surprising (to me at least).  The single largest block of votes was for Windows-Only, with Linux coming in a very close second.  A few of you use MacOS, and an almost non-existent group are still on old-fashio...
May 5, 2008 by Zoomba
Wow the weekend flew by fast!  Feels like I spent most of it doing spring cleaning and running errands though.  Can I have another day off please?  Well, despite hoping earnestly for another day on the weekend, it's Monday and here we all are, at work or school (or skipping).  Over the weekend, while we were all out cleaning/playing/not working many folks were still here uploading their skinning masterpieces.  Here are some of my favorites from the weekend: ...
May 2, 2008 by Zoomba
Today is Island Dog day.  After putting together his monthly Dream montage he went though the gallery in search of the greatest skins posted over the last seven or so days.  As always, he digs up some really cool stuff that you might not have noticed otherwise.
May 2, 2008 by Zoomba
With April now over, Island Dog pulled together some of the best dreams of the month and cut them up into a video montage for your viewing pleasure.  There's a great selection this month to check out so hit the link below to watch the video. My favorite is probably Sunny Beach by Alex Morgan.
May 1, 2008 by Zoomba
What happens when you take the skinning talent of one of our Master Skinners and combine it with one of the most active members of the community?  Chances are it's a skin of exceptional quality that's built to meet the needs and interests of users rather than just the skinner themself. Today, we have a prime example of that: Crystalline by SK Originals . Built with constant input and direction from Bebi Bulma, Crystalline combines SK's skinning talent and Bebi's creativity, style ...
May 1, 2008 by Zoomba
I can't believe it's already May!  2008 has been flying buy and now we're getting close to the half-way point.  So much to do and so little time! To kick May off, Snowman has picked up the torch and started this months Desktop Screenshots thread.  So far there are only 5 shots posted, but it's only a few hours into the month so I guess I can forgive it. Head on over now and post your desktop shot for May.  It's always a lot of fun to see what people are running on thei...
April 30, 2008 by Zoomba
The year is 1999, IconPackager brings simple icon switching to Windows and the world erupts in joyous cheers!  Well, maybe not.  But artists did set to work on creating new custom icon sets to save everyone from the horror of the default windows icons. Here are just a handful of the very first IconPackager sets uploaded to WinCustomize. Dark Mel Broyce Cyber RS Martin Eriksson Suzi Wong Albie Wong Kid ...
April 30, 2008 by Zoomba
Zubaz revives his "Ask a Master" series from last year for a great interview with SK Originals, one of our most talented community skinners and takes the time to answer nearly a dozen questions about skinning, his creative process, why he skins etc. Check out the full interview .
April 29, 2008 by Zoomba
Today, Stardock is pleased to announced the release of KeepSafe 2.0.  KeepSafe is the ultimate real-time data protection technology that is as simple as set-and-forget it.  It's designed to work in the background and be as seamless as possible.  Anyone who has ever lost that all important document due to a drive crash, corrupt save, overwritten, etc., then users will appreciate what KeepSafe can do. This new version of KeepSafe features several new features: Improved User...
April 29, 2008 by Zoomba
If you're a forum junkie, I'm sure you've already seen the updates we made today to the Stardock forums.  But in case you haven't, or in case you're not sure exactly how all the new bits work, there's a quick tour through of the new features and how to use them. Click on through to check out the new features!
April 29, 2008 by Zoomba
Sure we're a Windows customization site, and Windows users are roughly 99.99% of our daily traffic, but I sometimes wonder what alternative OS choices you all make.  Do you dabble in a bit of Linux on the side?  Does your spouse/roommate/friend have a Mac that you find yourself using from time to time?  Do you have a dusty Solaris workstation in the corner you run a file server on sitting in the closet? So, in addition to Windows, what else do you use?
April 29, 2008 by Zoomba
Sometimes we get some really crazy skins uploaded to the galleries.  These are themes, skins, walls etc that are definitely "out there" in just about every respect.  They're not low-quality by any means, they're just very unique in color choices, textures etc.  Here are a few of the crazy skins we have on the site:   Proof that you can go off...
April 28, 2008 by Zoomba
Well, we managed to churn out a second episode of the WinCustomize SkinCast!  This week we take questions from the forums and just sort of goof off in general (do I detect a theme?).  This week we managed to stay in the 15-20min time frame too! Remember, you can subscribe to us via iTunes and receive updates as soon as we publish them.  Download them, sync them up to your iPod and go. In misc news on the podcast, Episode 1 received over 1,000 downloads in the last week!&nbs...